Suggestion: Card suggestions Forum

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Nolan Murphy, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Nolan Murphy

    Nolan Murphy Kobold

    This is not so much a suggestion for the game, but the forums surrounding the game. I play a different game involving cards, and on the forums for that game, there is a forum dedicated completely to new card ideas that players can put on the forums. What players do is post their idea for a new card they think would be a good addition to the game, and then all the other players destroy their idea with reasoning like "It would be overpowered" and "Pointless!". These cards never get added to the game mind you, it's just that the forum is actually quite enjoyable. Just trying to come up with card ideas that would either change the meta without being blatantly better, or new concepts that would work in certain decks, etc. etc. And if such a forum was opened here on these forums, maybe it would present some diamond-in-the-rough ideas that might actually be usable by a la blue manchu. Just another superfluous suggestion because I cannot find anything the game is missing :D

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