[Suggestion] Calling to the Monster I-VIII

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Multimuerte, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Multimuerte

    Multimuerte Mushroom Warrior

    Ah! The old times!

    You where younger, more hairy, not a penny in your pocket and your head full of useless garbage about spell tactics for your Mage characters. One type of that spells not used in Card Hunter are those ever-Dungeon Master-brain-disrupter Calling to the Monster I-VIII. The second you summon then lvl 1 kobolds on your side to a preexisting battle against a dozen or so foes, you could see the your DM's sanity starting to fade.

    ... anyway, related to Card Hunter. New type of arcane card, Lesser Call to the Monster. A 10 lifepoints kobold appears NOT controlled by the player, but fights for his side during three turns. Call to the Monster, a 15 lifepoints goblin. Improved Call to the Monster, a 20 lifepoints skeleton,...

    The summoned creature is under the computer control, with his own deck and considered like an enemy when walking throw. Could be quite usefull if the enemy tryes to kill it gaining a turn, or useless if started to block pathways.

    How does it sound?

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