[Suggestion] Battle Royale format

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Phaselock, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    Spawned off the testing sub-forum and since co-op is being looked at, thought it might be a good time to push a new format. Its not original, many games alr have it and others have made the same suggestion alto a design was never fully proposed. Everything below is a suggestion, keeping in mind the least amount of user confusion and maximizing use of the existing code infra.

    Suggestion: Battle Royale, Last Man Standing, Brawl of the Century, Who is Hercules? etc...
    Suggested format: Custom/casual, league ?

    Suggested implementation (with pre-vis)


    Custom/casual: Use the co-op team invite option with a custom map for a battle royale. Only the first character on the active MP party sheet gets to play. Turn order is as invite order. Minimum 4, maximum 5 players.

    League: Join league, check to ensure MP team exist, fill pod, rawr ! First character on the active MP party sheet gets to play. Turn order randomly determined per game.

    Gameplay: Each player only sees his own cards and none from other players. Enemies are on the upper portion of the screen. Turn banner indicates active player. Timer show self timer and active opponent's timer.

    UI: VPs not required, turn banner, battle log and timer needs a rework. Everything else remains the same.
    Maps: Need quadrant and penta(?) based symmetrical maps for 4 and 5 players.

    Undecided: Players who have lost the battle, allowed to leave ? Or forced to stay ? Spectators ? Timer runouts ?
    ArnieBear likes this.

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