Hello everyone. Basically, my suggestion is exactly what is in the title, a system that somehow manages to equip your characters automatically with the best gear available, when lowering your level. Obviously this will not be a perfect system (and shouldn't), but the idea of doing challenges on the lower level dungeons would be fun to me, if i didn't know i had to spend ~20 minutes just setting my characters up for the attempt. The system itself would be relatively easy to use: when lowering your level for lower level challenges, it would save your current gear setup, and then present you with 3 options for each character, based on their class, for which setup it will try to match the best, with the autoequip. For a warrior, you would have 3 buttons (possibly to the left of the costume/figure picture) called "tank", "mobility" or "damage", and clicking either of them will reequip the character with the most appropriate gear for that job, depending on your available items and power tokens. To get a bit more technical, what i'm suggesting is that pressing either of these buttons would check your current amount of power tokens, and then equip the character with the highest level piece of equipment available to you, that doesn't require power tokens, in all slots, except for the slots appropriate for the "concept" you've chosen, where it will try to use your power tokens the most efficiently. For example: I pull up my dwarf warrior, and visit a lvl 7 dungeon. He will be scaled down to lvl 9, which would allow him some minor power tokens. I then press the "damage", button, and the system will now select the higest level, and then highest rarity, gear available to me, and equip in his weapon slots, trying to utilize his power tokens the best possible way, towards doing some damage. It will then fill the rest of the slots with the higest level, highest rarity gear available to me, that doesn't require power tokens. If some power tokens are left over after the weapons, it will use those at random for the other slots. From here on, i can tinker with the setup as i please. This would cut down setup time for lowlevel adventures drastically i think, and make them much more appealing in my oppinion. The rest of my suggestion would be that wizards have the options "damage", "controller" and "mobility", and the priests would have the options "damage", "healer" and "tank". each role should focus on items that address usually getting those needed cards. like "healer" would focus on using tokens on divine items and trait, while "tank" is shield, armor, boots, and for the wizards, "controller" means arcane items for lots of effect cards, and "mobility" would be boots, trait, skill. To consider gear "level", i suggest that common items have their own level, uncommon counts as a level higher, rares as 2 levels higher than its actual level, and epic/legendary as 4 levels higher than their current level. That should make the system pick roughly the good stuff. As i said, this won't be perfect setups, but hopefully decent enough to only tinker with slightly afterwards.
You can sorta do this already by storing the party at your keep. Given most missions will be +/-2 levels at most for many players and you can have two teams with a decent spread covering mission selections really.