Right now, how many times you can lose without restarting is the same for every module, ignoring how many maps each module has. This can be needlessly frustrating with the longer modules (like Garnet Portal), and probably makes it much harder to balance module difficulty. And I've got an idea for a ten map adventure for Mauve Manticore, but even if I make each map fast and easy, a couple mistakes or poor shuffles could cause quite a lot of player rage. What if instead of a set number of allowed defeats, we were allowed one for each map after the first? In other words, you have to revive/restart when #defeats = #maps. Since most current adventures have three maps, this will have very little affect on the current campaign. But it would allow entries for Mauve Manticore to have lots of maps without being excessively frustrating.
This is a good suggestion and makes perfect sense. Of course I personally would change it so that no adventure had more than 3 modules, with Mauve Manticore maybe being an exception. I think that when you want to tell a story using modules, 3 should be enough. Current SP adventures that have 6 modules are pretty boring to play imo. About the 10 map adventure you mentioned.. I'm guessing those would be maps that have some kind of a trick that you have to figure out, after which the maps become auto-win, kind of like the current Mauve Manticore #3. If this is the case, it could have really bad replay value, so hopefully there is more challenge than simply figuring out the trick. Also if the maps are easy and fast, wouldn't it be too easy to farm chests? Granted you would get only random items from the first 9, but it's still a lot of items.
I agree. 3 or 4 fights per adventure is good. Less just feels to short, and six is tedious. CH's big plus is that you can sit down and play a quick module if you have 30 mins to an hour. The remaining 6 fight adventures should be split in two please.
Seems like a fine suggestion, and I'm okay with the rare longer fight. When used sparingly, 6-fight adventures can feel special, epic, etc..