In one of the Mountain Pass maps I managed to kill about 7-8 goblins with one Fire Wall. All of the goblins and the ogre clumped together. I'd wounded a couple of the 9 hp goblins, then dropped Fire Wall on those two plus one healthy one. Mindless Battlerage set off a chain that killed all but one or two goblins. (It also killed my wizard and left my fighter with about 3 hp.) It seems like the squares around the monster with Mindless Battlerage should be weighted to be very unattractive to allies. It was the map with the "snakey" difficult terrian. (I think the 2nd map.) Is there a list somewhere of all of the maps/modules so that I can get the names while I'm not at that laptop?
Well, they're goblins. I wouldn't really expect them to act that smart. Besides, getting to use Mindless Battlerage against the enemies is pretty much the single most fun thing in the whole Mountain Pass adventure
Yes, the idea of "oopsy, the AI has a vulnerability" is put in there deliberately. There are plenty of these things, like Clumsy, which depends on the AI being stupid to give you openings. Or Unholy Frenzy, which deals damage, and so will sometimes kill the AI's own buddies. Or when the AI passes at random, which sometimes fakes you out, but sometimes leave the AI standing in lava. Think of it this way: the concept of "clobbering the AI's own buddies" is a standard in other RPG videogames, and you wouldn't call it a "problem" there. So it's not a problem here, either: it's fun!
I agree that it it's probably good that the goblins and ogres and stuff like that don't pay attention to attached cards - but in my view the AI should be a bit smarter in some other cases. For example, even when fighting Mom in multiplayer battles, the AI apparently doesn't have any understanding of the effects of encumber or of Impenetrable Nimbus. ie. Mom consistently wastes move cards by trying to use them while completely encumbered; and wastes attack cards by trying to attack characters with Impenetrable Nimbus. Experienced human players can still make these kinds of mistakes occasionally, but the AI can be relied on to make these mistakes - and thus their mistakes are very easy to exploit. ... Maybe this is just a joke, in which Mom has really great cards but doesn't know how to play the game... but I still think there should be some AI battles where the AI really does know the rules, and tries to win without making really obvious mistakes like this.