There are 3 colours for skills (Martial, Human, etc), and there are three token requirements: None, Minor, Major. I think it would make building my deck noticeably easier if all the skills with no talent requirement were bronze, minor talents were silver, and skills requiring a major talent were gold. I know there are several different measures of quality in the game (rarity, level and quality), but the one that I would prefer to be able to tell at a glance is the Power Token Requirement. It would be great if it was easy to tell weapons and armour too, but that's a much tougher problem to solve, and I don't have a good solution. I'm confident that other hunters will chime in if they disagree
There are five token requirements: No power token I like your idea, but I believe it doesn't match up as neatly as you wanted. The above, of course, could just be accommodated with different colors; but I wonder whether Blue Manchu had some other scheme in mind for the pattern of colors in skills. It's entirely possible that some skill "groups" are just plain better than others, and so their "bronze" appears above another group's "gold." I don't know: I need more information. But to try and be more helpful, don't forget that you can just plain sort your inventory by token requirements already. We've made various suggestions for improved sorting, and hopefully things will become more intuitive by the time they're done.
Sorting by token would work for me if it separated them out, but with the current implementation I still need to mouse-over every item to find where the talent boundaries begin and end. With my current card collection sort by level separates them into talents anyway, and helps me a bit more by ordering them by raw power, which I find does help me choose items (are there exceptions where talents are not determined by level?) As for great and ultimate power tokens, that should be pretty straightforward. On the one hand, there's the option to use some colours from the established card quality scale (I believe it's black, tan, bronze, silver, gold, green, purple ) Alternatively, they could add visual flourishes above gold. Little wings on the priest tombstone, an extra step/embedding thing on the dwarven stone, flourishes, wreaths, lighting bolts and so on. I bet their artists have better ideas than I do. If the current separations make some sense that I'm missing, then that would be a whole different story, but it's kind of annoying when there is visual demarcation that doesn't mean anything to me.