So, today I had an interesting conundrum where I knew I could move and save my warrior, if only I could have targetted him with my slide back card! I positioned myself for the ability, but found that I couldn't. Now, when I use an attack card that requires movement, you will open up friendlies as possible targets (and in fact, if only friendlies are around you will have to target them). Since most cards with 'Slide Back' are cancellable, could we please open friendlies up as targets for them. After all, this is the kind of thing I would have done in a D&D campaign to keep my friend alive.
I knew about that functionality, would you enlighten us on where it was described or mentioned ? (in case there are other things we've missed)
Doesn't surprise me. I tend to forget about things if they don't have relevance, and that particular mentioning didn't have relevance for a week Thanks for reminding me, and apologies for the post.