[Suggestion] Add message when dropped from MP match

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by pliers, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. pliers

    pliers Goblin Champion

    I don't know how you have disconnects registered by the server, but if possible, it would be great to add a message that informs you that your opponent has disconnected rather than quit. I’ve had people think I ragequit a match, something I’ve never done.

    If the server can’t tell the difference (I think j-wiz posted that was the case when the servers go down for maintenance), then how about the reverse – when someone hits the resign button in the menu, it would add a line informing the winner that it was a resignation on the rating change victory screen. Then, if that message is missing, you know it was a disconnect (or they closed their browser, but at least it’s more information than there is now).
    Zalminen likes this.
  2. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    I'd totally be down for more notifications of stuff like this.

    Consider: bug reporting. The person still in the game has access to a log that says "so-and-so disconnected at this time" and what was happening nearby. Imagine a world where playing Obliterating Hack against an Elf opponent with three attachments in multiplayer disconnected you: only your opponent would have the log.

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