I would like it if you could add a confirmation box when you choose to enter the MP match queue, if servers are going down for maintenance. So, if the servers are going down within the next half hour, you would have to click an extra confirmation box after hitting Queue. I’ve absentmindedly queued a few times when there was no way I’d manage to finish the match in time, and I imagine others have done the same. Since both players lose if a game ends during server maintenance, it seems reasonable to make sure that a player intends to take that risk. Please, protect me from myself!
Wait, both player lose ? I had a game like that, and the result is not recorded anywhere, my rank doesnt change, etc... Which does make sense if it is a full maintenance, databse frozen and such. Maybe yours at that time isnt a full maintenance and it is simply kicking players out? I'm really curious about the screenshot of the result from both sides