So if I'm happy with my position, but I'm facing the wrong direction and have a Shuffle, I'm allowed to use it to choose my facing. From this, it seems like choosing one's facing counts as a single move point. What if I use a Walk card, and only want to move one space? Why shouldn't I be able to use my leftover move point to select my facing? I think this might improve some of the Stab cards with range 2 (which, of the warrior cards, I think need the most love), if characters are able to back up a square and still turn around so they can block a potential ranged attack or lunge attack. What does everyone else think?
It's been brought up plenty, and Jon's attitude is this: (You'll note this was posted even before beta began.) As you can see, it has to do with whether it's any fun to make the game more complicated--an issue that's driven much of the design process. By the way: Shuffle doesn't automatically mean changing your facing. That's Spin Around for you. You can use literally any Move card to stand in place and change your facing.
I think the way it currently is brings a very nice dilemma into the game which I've encountered and enjoyed having several times (because it enhances the strategic feel) : I can run away from this guy, but then I'll be turning my back to him and my block won't save me if he comes after me, or I could stay where I am and hope that my block works. I really like having this kind of choice.
There's also a good explanation why it was done this way in this interview: (about half way through the page, starting from "Just to give one example") Picking the most important paragraph: