I know there was a post about new card suggestions, but I failed to find it so I'm putting mine here. I'll say right now that I don't play any MP so have no idea about balance in PvP, and personally rather hate the fact that things need to be balanced for PvP. If there are fine for SP then just limit their use to SP. Warrior Trait Awareness Duration - 2 Allows the warrior to Block attacks from any direction. Rebounding Block Block 4+ The blocked attack is immediately used against the attacker. Polymorph Duration - 2 Target is turned into a sheep and may only use Move cards. If damaged whilst a sheep then Polymorph ends. War Dance Elven Racial Duration - 2 Adds 'Step 1' to any non-step attack. (or possibly just any attack, so a Step 1 becomes a Step 2) This one is a real personal gripe pick. I really to run an Elf party but their Racials, combined with the low HP just makes them terrible in my experience. This card would give any Elf warrior the added flexibility I imagine them having. Weaken Unholy Spell Applies the "Wimpy" trait to the target.
This one can be nice. Way too overpowered. OP too. Even if the target can still do step move attacks, two turns duration is too long. Add "of range 1" to "any attack" and I do'nt mind this one. This one can be buffed. One damage reduction for two turns on one target at the cost of one card wouldn't just do it. Either decrease more the damages or apply it to the whole ennemy team (like an opposite of Mass Frenzy).
Why do you say Rebounding Block is OP? The Dwarven Racial Duck is better as you get to keep the blocked card. Yeah I know Polymorph's going to be a hard sell, but I just love it and it's such a classic Mage spell it seems a shame to not have it in. Fair point about Weaken, making it a mass curse is much better.
Two characters in melee hit each other until one die or run away. Having this special block is like getting two hits (one you avoid and one you deal) during opponant turn. It's better then duck caus you don't lose a turn by playing the stolen card. For the record the card allready exists but is for monsters only: Reflecting Block Also exists the magic only version: Reflect Missile
But in SP why would I be worried about losing a turn? I wasn't aware of Reflecting Block and if it already exists why can't we use it in SP? If this because of "OMG IMBA PVP" then pfft and grrrrr. As a pure SP this "everything needs to eb balanced for PvP is bloody annoying, surely there's an easy way to flag items as only for SP use?
Losing a turn is the same in SP or MP. And this isn't really losing a turn - it's having a turn, damaging an opponent on its turn, and having another turn - which is powerful in either mode. Because it's an emerald quality card and the devs didn't put it on any player-usable items. Many powerful cards are usable only by monsters to make up for the inherent weakness of the AI. These cards may show up as levels increase and more powerful cards are released for players. I seriously doubt PVP has anything to do with the matter. The whole game needs to be balanced, not one side or the other. (I also find some of the PVP-only-balance avdocates very annoying.) I've never programmed for Flash, but I don't think flagging items for SP or MP would be particularly easy. Nor do I think it would be a good idea. Items farmed in one should be usable in the other.
Here's an easy way to balance for PvP while allowing broken crap in SP: increase SP level cap to 40 and put emerald-quality cards on items