Sub-Class: Defender Another of my Sub-class idea brain storm. This time another sub-class for Warrior (and to some extend, Priest), the Defender. The Defender further enhances the defensive nature of the Warrior armor/block build, not only add more defense cards, but also additional ways to utilize your Armor/block cards (mainly for attacks). Some card ideas a follow: Shield Toss Attack/Block | 1 dmg, 3R|Blunt Discard a Block card to add 3 more damages. Draw a new card. ......................................................................................................... Shield Bash Attack/Block | 3 dmg, 1R|Blunt Push 1 Block Any Melee (D3) ......................................................................................................... Shield Ram Attack/Block | 3 dmg, 1R|Blunt Step 2, Push 1 Block Any (D4) ......................................................................................................... Counter Bash Block (D3) If this Block a melee attack, return 50% blunt damage back to the attacker. ......................................................................................................... Steel Barrel Attack | 3 dmg, 1R| Step 2, Push 1. This attack does 3 additional Damage for each Armor or Block card you currently have. ......................................................................................................... Tower Shield Block (D4) You become Sight Block, and gain Shield Other ......................................................................................................... Guarding Stance Stance You gain +2 Armor and +5HP. This effect ends when you moved. ......................................................................................................... Barricade Stance Stance Enemy entering 3 spaces cross this character become Stop. (3 space to the left and right) This effect ends when you moved. ......................................................................................................... Battle Armor Trait | Duration 2 You gain +1 Damage for each Armor Card you have. ......................................................................................................... Armorteer Trait | Duration 2 You gain +1 Damage and +1 Armor each time you Block a damage. Encumber 1 ......................................................................................................... Defender’s Sense Trait | Duration 2 You can block for all sides. Encumber 1 ......................................................................................................... NOTE: that the cards server as example of ideas, and not fully balance well. Also sub-class is group of packaged thematic cards, but also expects to be sprinkles with other cards/equipment’s. I see few of those cards also be add on to another Sub-group of the weapons, where you can equip certain Fighting Shields (will be equipped into the weapon slots). This give a player way to build an even more defensive warrior, at scarified of attacks. ----------------------------------------- Additional Sub-class ideas Berzerker Defender
This card is too weak: You lose 1 block and 1 attack for 4 damage and another card. Maybe make it a duel type card like below. Way too OP. Maybe changing it like "Block | Block any | Roll: 3+ | If this card blocks Melee, counter with your oldest attack card if possible." And counter mean you use it and discard it, not free use. It has possible since melee can be range 2, which you can't counter with a range 1 attack. And yes, you can't counter a range 2 attack if your oldest attack card is range 1 while your second oldest card is range 2. While the skill seems interesting, it has a major drawback: You have to reveal all armor or block card in your hand, which is a major disadvantage unless they are all already visible to begin with. While the mechanic is interesting, it's problematic since your opponent can't see this card beforehand and may file a bug report to the developer, which is not good. Maybe making it a trait without the block part, like "Trait | Duration 3 | No line of sight through character." and chance the name to Towering Presence. Again, interesting but problematic. Maybe change it like "Assist | Armor 2. Halt. Duration 1. May Self Target" and change the name to Defensive Stance. Well, it becomes a buff but it's the best I can think of since "dismiss if move" is a non-exist mechanic currently and I don't want to create it because I don't know how hard to code it. This is, again, interesting but somehow seem problematic. This "bonus per event" mechanic is hard to track even for yourself.