The victory splash comes up but the button stays gray. Curretly sitting on a public network so that could possibly be why here is the clip. This happended twice out of two tries. === CARD HUNTER CORE PC Client === Wed Mar 27 13:34:03 GMT+0100 2013 Sandbox Type: remote Version 0.5684 SFS Version: 1.1.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=wolzarg vs Amy,RoomID=2199,Msg=Scoring Phase: initiated BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=wolzarg vs Amy,RoomID=2199,Msg=Amy was defeated BATTLE LOG: Scenario=MP Forest,Room=wolzarg vs Amy,RoomID=2199,Event=GameOver Initializing deck builder MESSAGE: Error #1502 STACK TRACE: Error: Error #1502 at at com.cardhunter.genericdata:ataArray/size() at com.cardhunter.genericdata:ataArray/checkIndex() at com.cardhunter.genericdata:ataArray/getString() at$/createFromDataObject() at$/createFromDataObject() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::CardHunterCore/Handle_collection() at com.cardhunter.pcclient::CardHunterCore/onSFSExtensionResponse() at at com.smartfoxserver.v2.controllers::ExtensionController/handleMessage() at com.smartfoxserver.v2.core::SFSProtocolCodec/dispatchRequest() at com.smartfoxserver.v2.core::SFSProtocolCodec/onPacketRead() at com.smartfoxserver.v2.core::SFSIOHandler/handlePacketData() at com.smartfoxserver.v2.core::SFSIOHandler/onDataRead() at com.smartfoxserver.v2.bitswarm::BitSwarmClient/onSocketData() PARTY: (int_array) ActiveChars: [11,13,17] (sfs_array) Members: (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Bejeweled Shortsword (utf_string) Infused Greatclub (utf_string) Defender's Axe (utf_string) True Mail (utf_string) Dueler's Buckler (utf_string) Defensive Helm (utf_string) Glowing Sandals (utf_string) Inspired Command (utf_string) Apprentice Gouging (int) charIndex: 4 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Sub-zero Staff (utf_string) Sub-zero Staff (utf_string) Barbed Pendant (utf_string) Barbed Pendant (utf_string) Box of Flames (utf_string) Smoking Bangle (utf_string) Resistant Wisp Robes (utf_string) Bertha's Big Clogs (utf_string) Untrained Toughness (utf_string) Electroporter Novice (int) charIndex: 5 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Malign Mace (utf_string) Holy Revenger (utf_string) St. Temrun's Chainmail (utf_string) Slippery Shield (utf_string) Off-balance Boots (utf_string) Demon Charm of the 7th Circle (utf_string) Abalone Relic (utf_string) Incense of the Nether Fog (utf_string) Advanced Toughness (utf_string) Trained Devotion (int) charIndex: 9 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Rageblood Dagger (utf_string) Rageblood Dagger (utf_string) Defender's Axe (utf_string) Dependable Mail (utf_string) Slippery Shield (utf_string) Weakling's Helm (utf_string) Black Iron Boots (utf_string) Raging Battler (utf_string) Untrained Impaling (int) charIndex: 11 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Rageblood Dagger (utf_string) Rageblood Dagger (utf_string) Defender's Axe (utf_string) Dependable Mail (utf_string) Slippery Shield (utf_string) Weakling's Helm (utf_string) Black Iron Boots (utf_string) Raging Battler (utf_string) Sharp Bashing (int) charIndex: 13 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Weak Wooden Shield (utf_string) Polished Leather Boots (utf_string) Onyx Healing Token (utf_string) Healing Ring (utf_string) Small Healing Orb (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Focused Piety (int) charIndex: 15 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Healer's Spear (utf_string) White Mace (utf_string) Healing Hide Armor (utf_string) Coward's Shield (utf_string) Disintegrating Boots (utf_string) Onyx Healing Token (utf_string) Flawed Healing Ring (utf_string) Bishop's Healing Ring (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Focused Medicine (int) charIndex: 16 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Holy Revenger (utf_string) Holy Revenger (utf_string) St. Temrun's Chainmail (utf_string) Dueler's Buckler (utf_string) Bertha's Big Clogs (utf_string) St. Bethan's Charm (utf_string) Demon Charm of the 2nd Circle (utf_string) Bleneth's Frenzy Tome (utf_string) Trained Toughness (utf_string) Novice Devotion (int) charIndex: 17 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Holy Axe (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Weak Wooden Shield (utf_string) Felt Boots (utf_string) Auric Charm (utf_string) Acolyte's Healing Ring (utf_string) Inspirational Medallion (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Trained Devotion (int) charIndex: 18 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Lesser Furnace Staff (utf_string) Green Wand (utf_string) Blazing Stone (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Akon's Amulet (utf_string) Blinking Robe (utf_string) Grey Leather Boots (int) charIndex: 19 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Magician's Pin (utf_string) Orb of Skill (utf_string) Obscure Stone (utf_string) Robes of Forgetfulness (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Footwork (utf_string) Novice Sparking (int) charIndex: 20 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Greater Sulphuric Staff (utf_string) Viridian Staff (utf_string) Acidic Gland (utf_string) Swamp Orb (utf_string) Arcane Crown (utf_string) Obscure Stone (utf_string) Robe of Lightness (utf_string) Winged Boots (utf_string) Novice Footwork (utf_string) Apprentice Teleportation (int) charIndex: 21 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Defender's Axe (utf_string) Stout Club (utf_string) Heavyweight Mace (utf_string) Patchwork Chainmail (utf_string) Heavy Wooden Shield (utf_string) Weakling's Helm (utf_string) Chainmail Socks (utf_string) Trained Flexibility (utf_string) Apprentice Bashing (int) charIndex: 22 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Stout Club (utf_string) Heavyweight Mace (utf_string) Rusty Chainmail (utf_string) Heavy Wooden Shield (utf_string) Defensive Helm (utf_string) Chainmail Socks (utf_string) Trained Flexibility (utf_string) Apprentice Bashing (int) charIndex: 23 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Crummy Short Sword (utf_string) Rotting Club (utf_string) Chainmail (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Finzi's Horned Helmet (utf_string) Thick Hide Boots (int) charIndex: 25 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Massive Club (utf_string) Thog's Hammer (utf_string) Deathcurse Mail (utf_string) Bronzewood Shield (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Misenchanted Cloth Boots (int) charIndex: 26 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Mail of Righteous Anger (utf_string) Bronzewood Shield (utf_string) Rushing Boots (utf_string) Incense of Roiled Air (utf_string) Demon Charm of the 7th Circle (utf_string) Righteous Tome (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Apprentice Devotion (int) charIndex: 27 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Hefty Chopper (utf_string) Burnished Blade (utf_string) Jerkin of Thorns (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Trainee's Cap (utf_string) Boots of the Cheetah (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Trained Chopping (int) charIndex: 28 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Stinging Staff (utf_string) NULL (utf_string) Akon's Amulet (utf_string) Arcane Crown (utf_string) Perplexing Mirror (utf_string) Glowing Jewel (utf_string) Crimson Robe (utf_string) Ballet Shoes (utf_string) Superb Evasion (utf_string) Novice Sparking --------------------------------------------------------------------- Removed a bunch of those to get under the 1000 char limit --------------------------------------------------------------------- (int) charIndex: 56 (sfs_object) (sfs_object) inventory: (sfs_array) Items: (utf_string) Staff of the Inferno (utf_string) Staff of the Inferno (utf_string) Yaro's Scepter (utf_string) Penteth's Orb (utf_string) Morbo's Pendant (utf_string) Pin of Blowing Flames (utf_string) Resistant Wisp Robes (utf_string) Weighted Boots (utf_string) Solid Rock (utf_string) Focused Pyromancy (int) charIndex: 57 (utf_string) Name: MP (int) Index: 2 CLIENT COMMANDS: BATTLE COMMANDS: com.cardhunter.battle.commands::GameOverPhaseCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::StartDiscardPhaseCommand com.cardhunter.battle.commands::EndTurnCommand CLIENT VERSION: 0.5684