Streams of Blood Spawn Imbalance

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by SurgeonFish, May 9, 2013.

  1. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Streams of Blood has a spawn imbalance. The south player has one character who is farther away from the rest of the party. While that is not normally an issue the line of sight advantage the north player gets sets this imbalance. If the north player has all wizards or a character with a slow/stun/halt/etc they could lock that PC in place and move in for the kill before the responding player even gets to move.

    In the case in the images below, phase had the first move. If his wizard would have spawned closest to my female wizard and had a frost spell, his warrior could have moved into place for the kill.

    First one is to move the spawn of the south player's most western character on the east side of the hedge wall (two squares south east). This balance the line of sight first round issue and give them a chance to make the mistake of moving first before being pounded on.

    Alternatively this map is symmetrical and you could match up spawn locations accordingly. While i enjoy the Asymetrical aspect, this would ensure a fair balance in spawn locations on this particular map.

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