Step Attacks Target Allies

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Time4Pizza, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Time4Pizza

    Time4Pizza Mushroom Warrior

    When you use a step attack and land in a square adjacent to an ally, but there are no enemies adjacent, the game forces you to attack the adjacent ally. Usually when you move and there are no characters next to you at the end of that step there will be a "Done" button in the corner. However, if an ally is adjacent at the end of your step there is no "done" button, thus forcing you to attack your ally.

    Perhaps I am missing something, or perhaps this is part of the game design, but it seems buggy to me.
  2. attog

    attog Mushroom Warrior

    If you do a search on this one you should find several explanations. I think just about all of us thought it was a bug when we first started. Rest assured it is working as intended, now you just need to get used to it :)
  3. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

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