Sprinting stab warriors

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by faraway9911, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. faraway9911

    faraway9911 War Monkey

    I'll keep this story short. I was playing my elf vamps and got immensely tilted at control wizards. Maps are open this rotation and I heard Sprint, Team! was OP. I also hate getting Impaling Stabbed so I combined the two. I got 3x of this guy:

    Level 10 Human Warrior

    Blazing SS + Sticky Slippers can be swapped out with Excellent rapier + Goat boots. Aegis can be swapped out with Parrying Buckler and you can upgrade 1 Double-Edged to Powerpike.

    I use Dancing Cut and Sprint, Team to engage, and racial Run + retreat to disengage.

    Unfortunately this has no purge, and no armor removal. It loses to nimbus spam, bejeweled elves, parry spam, Adaptability, skeletons, and maps with lots of difficult terrain. Would love some tips on how to play it / how to improve the build. I don't like Salberds though.
  2. Han Lee

    Han Lee Guild Leader

    No need for armor removal when you have 12 penetrating attacks. Changing the shield to parrying buckler and boots to pergops/zachary boots should help with all of those things you stated were destroying you.

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