some random sugestions from the brain of me.

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by playhavock, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. playhavock

    playhavock Mushroom Warrior

    Still loving the game, good job on it. Some random things I want that you may or not do or care about :D


    Searching for items is kinda hard the way it is set up works for theam but not for "me" I'd like to look though (all) shops at the same time. for example, I want a zaping thing so "zap" I put in the search and the store tells me what it has - then I have to try to remember what it had (or write it down but I'm far to lazy for that!) and then goto the other two stores (are there going to be more stores as I unlock more of the game?) and search again for the same thing... thats 3 searches :/

    can I have a "super search" thingy or whatever that I can use to see all items at the same time, one BIG market where all items from all stores are at or whatever?

    Cost of items = OHMYWORD. Selling items = ???!!! some items that cost say 500 are only worth like 1 - 2 or 5 gold when I sell them, why? I have a level 16 thingy that I got somehow it should sell for (less then half) its value not just 1 coin. Unless this is indended so I must grind and stuff??

    I "get" why I only have 3 charter slots and that I "should" have one of each class , it would be neat if I could have 4 slots maybe?

    Could I play as the gm on a level or two just "for fun" dont have to get any tresure from doing it, but it would be neat to play as the gm on levels I've beeten allready.

    thats all for now, totaly addicted to game, will be sad when it resets and I have to do all this stuff all over again.

  2. Bywa

    Bywa Kobold

    Bro, did you notice it's beta?

    You're supposted to find stuff in treasure hunts, not shops. Shops are there so you can eventually buy remaining item to finish your wizard deck for example. Yes, grind.
    /edit: I also should mention that your main gold income are treasure items which sell for up to 1000 gold, depending on their rarity. You're right, equipment is worth nothing, and that's the point. You should collect those items, not sell them because it's just not worth it. It's a collectible card game.

    More characters = easier game. Obviously you can have more enemies, but I don't think having one battle last 30 mins would be fun, just because theres milion of enemies (to balance out your 4 characters). Also, it would be harder to find stuff for those characters because you use 4 instead of 3, you need 4 item sets, and you just stopped complaining that you have to grind... you want to grind even more?
    Not saying that it would be much harder to manage and micro 4 characters, it would be harder to make right decisions (at least in multiplayer).
  3. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    You can only bring 3 guys to a fight. But you can own as many as you care to buy. They sit in "storage" on the side if not in your active party of 3.

    So feel free to try all race/class combinations. 10 gold and leveling from 1 is all it costs.

    The shops are split up by relative power. So if you have an idea of what strength of item you are looking for, you know which shop to look in.

    No tokens, first daily shop. Wimpy Tokens, second daily shop. Awesome Tokens (and some not), weekly shop.
  4. playhavock

    playhavock Mushroom Warrior

    thanks for the comments all. my ideas are random as I said yes I know its beta, thats why I guess (?) we make sugestions now rather then latter.
    being the gm would be super fun. just sayin.
  5. Avarice

    Avarice Goblin Champion

    I agree, I think it'd be fun to gm. For multiplayer there could be a "casual pve" lobby. The gm could pick the map/ level/ monsters, or it could be worked out in chat with whoever is interested in playing.

    Personally, I'd find that way more engaging than standard pvp.

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