Snoozi where art thou

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Gandalf the Grey Poupon, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. In my last game of the night tonight against ItsEtai, he disconnected, and I had to wait for the whole 20 minutes on his timer to run down before I won. I didn't see an effort on his part to reconnect but Snoozi never triggered.
    j-wiz likes this.
  2. j-wiz

    j-wiz Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Do you recall the sequence prior to Snoozi going missing? I think you said something about blocking an attack just before your opponent disconnected.

    This definitely sounds like we might still have a bug with Snoozi.
  3. Oh, I blocked an Obliterating Bludgeon with a Defenders Block, then used a Firestorm, so I assumed that my opponent ragequit, and it wasn't just his connection that cut out. A message popped up in chat that said "so and so has disconnected" and that was it.
  4. Wait, I remembered why it bugged! My firestorm triggered his Hard to Pin Down, and so it was up to him to move his guy when he disconnected. That might have been why it bugged. After about two minutes, the Hard to Pin cleared, the firestorm effected all characters, and it became his turn, and the clock counted down for him.
  5. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I've logged this and will look into it.

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