Single Player coop build

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by c4rnivean, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. c4rnivean

    c4rnivean Orc Soldier

    I'd like to speed up my loot fairy runs. Granted, most of this time is spent waiting for other players to think (and then move up to me, causing the monster I just moved next to to run away, end turn), so skill level of the other players is the main factor, but I'd still like to bring the fastest character I can.

    Right now I run a dwarf vamp (at end of post) because they have good damage plus healing so if the rest of my party wipes out, I can still finish the module by myself. I hear people say good things about fire wiz, though, so here's my first try at it. Thoughts?

    I've got 1 staff of magma, but it doesn't synergize with Focused Pyromancy and Instant Burn so I left it out. Looking for advice on Xander's Boots also. I'm sure Perfect Toughness isn't the best but I don't have many good Dwarf traits.

    Level 20 Dwarf Wizard

    Busty Choppins
    Level 19 Dwarf Priest
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
  2. Master Goo

    Master Goo Ogre

    All pve-builds depend so much on adventure level and the items you have so its allmost impossible to point common one. But yes vamp priests and fire mages are pretty solid and sovles their tasks.
    Though Firestorm is exellent at lower levels, i do prefer volcano wizards at higher level adventures.

    PS: While i was doing handicap quests i found out that Infected is so much fun and use in every single quest! If you gear one or two such items it grants every single adventure you have this handicap on someone. Next is obvious, charge in the most middle of foes and try to gather'em all near this particular character. One successful blow kills all or allmost all foes and the sacrifice worth the result imo (fast and safe completion).
    Sir Veza likes this.
  3. c4rnivean

    c4rnivean Orc Soldier

    Like most, I don't want to save a different build for every level. At most, I'd like 3 builds and then tweak them up or down a few tokens. And I'm going to use the same build for all modules at a level rather than tweak for certain mobs, so it has to be strong across all them. Let's organize this thought exercise like this:

    A) What is the best build on average for lvl 4-8 modules (about 2 blue tokens)?
    B) Best build for lvl 9-12 (plan for 7 blue)?
    C) Best build level 13+ (plan for 3 yellow 5 blue)

    If you had to pick one build for each case and then head into coop with 1-2 unknown players of unknown skill level, what 3 builds would you want? Thank you!
  4. Killer74

    Killer74 Hydra

    I've split up parties into sections for tokenless, 3 minors, 6 minors, 7 minors & 1 major, 4 minors & 4 majors, more tokens and built (for each section): Firestorm Wizard, Flash of Agony+Arcane Aura Wizard (which I nearly always use), Vamp Priest, Buff Priest, and Warrior of some sort. I don't bother changing them at all. The wizards are the speediest (over all levels, I find), but if (for some strange reason), I don't want to kill my team-mates, I'll use the vamp. Instead of Xander's Boots for firestorming, I'd use Kerrick's Steel Boots or similar. Unless you're playing with decent players/players you've played with before, I'd use a character that you know you can solo (or almost solo) the map with.
    Sir Veza likes this.

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