Sick to death of my rolls failing in single player.

Discussion in 'Adventure Discussion and Strategy' started by SuperBadShockSkag, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. I've seen it happen so many times it's just stupid now. Parry's failing 1/2 times instead of 1/6, armour ALWAYS failing i could go on...
    Maybe i'm just extremely unlucky.
  2. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    SuperBadShockSkag likes this.
  3. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    I missed 2 parries and 5 HtPD against the rust creatures. I ditched my warriors for wizards after that.
    SuperBadShockSkag likes this.
  4. Sorry gents, this is was a bit of a rant. To clarify, I 100% believe the devs have adjusted the probability on some of the campaign maps to favour the GM.
    Watching your 8/9 of your parries fail over two attempts at the same module would also convince you of this. I initially thought this on my first play through but put it down to bad luck or bias on my behalf but am convinced the GM has a slight advantage on all the campaign maps.
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    This is not true, but I understand the frustration of feeling like the game is set up in a certain way when RNG runs foul.

    So unless Jon is blatantly lying (which I seriously doubt...), there's no cheating implemented.
  6. Yeah I remember that thread from a while back, I do understand what has been stated.
    Maybe I have bias in remembering, although the worst I've seen in MP is an opponent failing three parries in a row. Where as I've failed virtually 8 in a row in campaign...
    I will now always feel the GM's are like a casino.... House always wins ;)
  7. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Wishing you better luck SBS, and many rolls in your favour! :)
    Farbs and SuperBadShockSkag like this.
  8. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Eight in a row is atrociously bad - but on the other hand, if no one ever complained about bad rolls it would be a poor RNG. (What I mean by that is real life random will randomly get streaks in numbers, if there were never streaks of ones, then it would actually be less like a real random.)
    SuperBadShockSkag likes this.

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