I've noticed Cause Fumble not reacting to attacks against allies if the attacker is behind the character with Cause Fumble in hand. Now I know this is how regular blocks work, and it makes sense because you aren't getting your shield around behind your back, but the wording on Cause Fumble had me thinking it would work anywhere in a 6 square radius. "Block melee targeting an ally within six squares. Draw a card." Now considering that as long as the attacker is within your "forward facing" neither the attacker or the ally you are trying to defend needs to be in line of sight would suggest that you should be able to do it if this is happening behind your characters back too. I realise this isn't a simple thing to change, and that it would probably require some careful wording, but what do you guys think on it? Is a change needed, or clearer wording, am I just thick (honestly this is probably most likely)
I think it shouldn't as that is one of the rules of blocks. It may block behind the target as long as the attacker isn't behind the guy holding the block. That is something i can accept but definitely not if the attacker is behind the guy holding the block.