Shadow Era : Shattered Fates kickstarter ( few days left )

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Frostmire, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Frostmire

    Frostmire Kobold

    Besides Card Hunter , i'm playing some more games and Shadow Era is one of them .​
    Shadow Era has existed for awhile , it offers balance gameplay ( the most balance TCG if you ask me ) , great artworks and a friendly community. what's more , it's totally free-to-play , you can get any cards using in-game currency , no need to pray for luck to pull the cards you want from boosters . Also , you can join pop-up tournaments sponsored by the developers to get prices .​
    I'm not a hard-core player and I only spent $20 on this game ( not including the kickstarter ) but i'm still able to make all the decks i use competetive , get a nice digital foil for my cards , with $5 to spare .​
    But to make the game better , Shadow Era needs your help to make its 2nd expansion : Shattered Fates happens . It introduces many new features , enchants the old ones , as well as adding 200 new cards to the game .​
    So what do you get from backing the game ? ​
    As you can see , you will get from double to triple the value of what you would normally get from buying shadow crystals alone, this is an amazing offer . For Shadow Era players , if they ever want to spend money on the game , this is the time .

    WHAT'S MORE , you get to choose 1 card for every $10 of your pledge , and they will give it to you FOILED , you can use this opportunity to get Legendary cards , the rarest type of card in the game , or cards you just really really love

    Some previews of the cards from the next set



  2. Martin K

    Martin K Goblin Champion

    Wow, that is some beautiful artwork. Not sure if I'll back though, need to check out first what would be in for my sweet little wulven deck :)
  3. Frostmire

    Frostmire Kobold

    Darkclaw is a nice wulven hero to get started . This guide is very helpful :!

    A Elemental starter deck gives you around 2400 golds , with $20 , you can buy 20 of them . The most expensive deck i've seen is Zhanna ( around 11k gold ) so you have alot of golds to spend .

    Fun fact : The current "dominating the meta " deck is Eladwen rush , which is constructed around the cards in the mage starter deck , which means it is cheap as dirt .
  4. Pretty obvious shill marketing from a person who joined the forums just for this one topic, and has probably never even played Card Hunter :) I personally don't mind, but the mods might.

    Looks like it reached its goal on Kickstarter which is great and I'm happy for the devs and the players. The more online ccg's there are, the better.

    I tried Shadow Era a while back but didn't really get hooked. I found that the pace was too slow for me (although not nearly as slow as MtG online) and there was an annoying amount of clicking before anything happened. Single Player campaign was pretty boring too. But I can understand how MtG players would be interested in it, since the gameplay is similar. The best thing about the game is the art - it's just freaking amazing.

    I might try it again this week if I have time. Hopefully it's not as Pay-to-Win as it looks.
  5. Frostmire

    Frostmire Kobold

    Sorry but i've played Card Hunter for awhile , i just prefer to discuss the game with people in the lobby chat . My IGN is Frostmire .
  6. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Since this is posted correctly in the off-topic forum (and could be considered something relevant to players of Cardhunter - as a lot of us like CCG's), I see no reason to be supicious of the poster SLG - I'd suggest being careful with statements like that. However, I feel kickstarters can turn into some kind of pyramid schemes - where people who's chosen to back a game, benefits from more backers et c. Tried Shadow Era a year or so ago, not bad - but didn't really do anything for me .
  7. Well, it all depends on how BM wants to run these forums. If they don't want other devs or "fanbois" to be able to advertise their games for free, topics like this one should be deleted, like they often are on other forums. Just because it's "Off-topic" does not mean it's also "No rules, anything goes" where anyone can make a new account and start posting their Viagra ads. An ad is and ad whether you advertise games or fake watches.

    You are looking at this thing from a players perspective whereas I am looking at it from the developers perspective. Sure we all play CCG's and are interested in them, but this is not a general gaming forum, it's a Card Hunter forum. While it might be great for players to learn about new games, it's not that great for developers because some players could stop playing (and paying) Card Hunter and switch to those new games instead. But like I said, it all depends on the devs and how they want to run things. These forums seem to have a pretty laid back attitude towards moderating (not deleting name-and-shame topics etc.) so I guess topics like this one are fine, which is good for a gamer like myself.

    But I will add that it would be really naive to assume that all newly joined members who post only about some other game are just average gamers like you and me. Marketing shills have been around ever since the first gaming forums appeared. Just because someone says they are just a regular Joe, does not mean they are, unless you want to live your life believing everything you are told, which I personally don't.

    I could be wrong, Mr. Frostmire (whose username is lifted straight from Shadow Era btw) could be a veteran of Card Hunter and might some day even post non-Shadow Era related stuff, in which case I do apologize sincerely. However I don't think anyone makes a new forum account just to advertise some other game in the Off-topic section, unless they have some kind of an agenda. In this particular case the agenda was probably to post the same thing in all CCG gaming forums to get people donate on a Kickstarter project that was at the time underfunded with only 3 days left in the clock. Again, it would be really naive to assume that the forum account and this topic just happened to appear at this particular point in time. This is not an evil agenda of course, and like I said, I'm happy for them for reaching their goal.

    One more thing. You said you see "no reason to be suspicious" when a person makes a new forum account with the sole purpose of making this topic. Let me ask you this: what does it require for you to be suspicious (which doesn't mean guilty), a written confession with pictures attached? :)
  8. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    If you're supicious - post a report, don't bite. That's what us mods are here for. I had noticed this thread, and decided to leave it - since it didn't seem malicious or spammy (if a bit well-organized to be a random fan post). The devs are pretty laid back - and I even spotlighted a kickstarter run by one of the forums most prolific posters. I don't believe this is any way a threat to CH, so no need to play hardball police here - we are allowed to talk about other games.
  9. I don't remember demanding that this topic should be removed. In fact, I said in my first post that I don't mind people advertising their games because I am not a Card Hunter developer and these are not my forums. I just pointed out an obvious advertising attempt because I found the lack of masking it pretty funny. Usually when people do this they try to blend in more by posting a couple of fake "normal" posts first.
    That is a straw man argument. I never said we should not be allowed to talk about other games. Talking about other games and comparing them to Card Hunter is a great way to exchange ideas, for example what happens in this topic. But this Shadow Era thing is only about getting people to donate money for their Kickstarter project, which makes it advertising in my books. And not allowing obvious advertising is a common practice on many forums and definitely not "hardball police". It's just common sense not to let outsiders take advantage of a community and website that you are building.
  10. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I suggest you don't "call out" people you believe to be shills unless you want people to react badly to it, is all I'm saying. If you believe a post breaks the rules, report it - otherwise, replying to it basically just gives it more attention. Can't see the logic here.

    And that straw man linkage is getting old. What is the point? I was just trying to ask you to not jump to conclusions based on a number of posts - and that I don't believe there's any problems with posting a link to a kickstarter. I never said you said et c - this isn't an argument.
  11. Martin K

    Martin K Goblin Champion

    @Pengw1n: Thanks for staying cool about this. If you'd start deleting mentions of other games, it would just show two things:
    You don't believe Card Hunter can stand up to the competition (when it does) or your players live in a cave and would never hear about this in other forums (then how do they play an online game?)

    // back to hunting cards
  12. Frostmire

    Frostmire Kobold

    I just wanted to help Wulven game out , sorry if i went a bit too far :)

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