The "Servus" achievement in Steam has not been achieved for me despite having met the requirements. The description on Steam says "Win one league game". I've won 7 league matches on Steam so far, and claimed the prize for one of the leagues that has finished. (And I've won countless league matches before the Steam version.) Steam also has not yet unlocked any of my MP rank achievements - but that could be because I haven't played a rank game yet on the new version. (I'm not in any hurry to have the achievements unlocked. I just thought I'd mention it because it looks like a bug.)
ELO achievements require you to win a ranked game while in the Steam client, at which point you'll get all the ones you've earned. League achievements are bugged right now; I've suggested having them update when you click "League Standings" since that has your full history.
I think I see the problem. It's possible that, for now, if you win a ranked game, you will get your league achievements updated too.