Retreat not affecting allies?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Runan, May 17, 2013.

  1. Runan

    Runan Mushroom Warrior

    I've tried casting Retreat twice, and both times I wanted to push ally characters. But the card did not do anything - is it necessary to ctrl-click the card, or is it only affecting enemies?
    I can't recall if I was able to see any enemies when I used the card, but I could see allies.

    Card text is: Push 3, Free Move if they are adjacent to an enemy.

    To me it sounds like it should be used to move allies around?
  2. Lance

    Lance Goblin Champion

    Yes, it works only if the ally is adjacent to an enemy when the card is played. Otherwise the card has no targets to affect. Retreat reads: All other allies may Move 3, Free Move if they are adjacent to an enemy.
  3. Runan

    Runan Mushroom Warrior

    Doh, makes sense :cool:
    The comma made me believe it was 2 separate effects, with the Free-move part only occurring when the target was adjacent to an enemy.
    Thanks for the explanation!
    The text on the card must have been updated though, to what I wrote :) (I'm looking at the card right now!)
  4. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    I agree that the wording is confusing (I read it exactly the same way as you). Perhaps it could be reworded to be clearer, something like: "All other allies may Move 3 if they are adjacent to an enemy. This move is a Free Move."
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Or exhange the , with &.

    (needs push keyword now that these moves have changed to not bother with encumberance).
  6. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Card rules got messed up sorry. Fixing to read:

    "Push 3 with Free Move each ally that is adjacent to an enemy."

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