Restriction of legendary/epic items

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Byungmo, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. Byungmo

    Byungmo Kobold

    1 legendary item is allowed per character
    2 epic "
    3 rare "

    this restriction would result in more diversity of builds
  2. Fewer items allowed = less diversity. Also reduces the appeal of epic and legendary items.
  3. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    Trigger warning: Late night rant up ahead.

    Back when right after AotA is released, there hasn't been any balance done to items in general. The consensus of the community is that some items are too powerful and needs nerf. Famous example is Vibrant Pain and probably Whirlwind Enemies as the second. The reason they are being too good is consistency. Having too many copies of 1 card guaranteed that you will have the card you need when you need it. Therefore, items with too many copies of 1 card need to be more expensive (token or rarity) then it normally should.

    So the argument goes as follow: Because you can stack too much card on a certain items. To prevent too much consistency, you should not be able to stack too much of that certain item. Now this shouldn't happen with any items. So which kind of items often have many copies of the same card on it ? Legendary.

    This limitation also solve another problem: affordability of legendary item. If each legendary can only be equipped once per character/party then you will only have to stock up to 1x/3x of it. ((Yes i'm looking at you, a bunch of 12x legendary arcane items). BTW the 4x arcane item slots also caused the aforementioned stackability problems). Anyway, this should help new players to compete when certain legendary items becomes too essential in PvP.

    But this solution won't be quite effective without a shake up of the current item pools. What would we accomplished if we restricted Staff of a Million Fireballs (6x Fireball) when Staff of Fireballs existed (5x Fireball, 1x Burning Fingers). People could still stack as much Fireball as they wanted to with this restriction. The only upside is that the inferior item now will see some uses.

    Fast forward, then a bunch of balance changes happened. It was good for the game. Bunch of OP cards got nerfed, bunch of unused cards is replaced with something decent.
    But there was literally no changes to the existing item pool. Sure some items is changed, some card is swapped, but the issues of stackability is never addressed. BM admitted they went for the low hanging fruit and nerfed cards instead of items (as with any loot game, it is preferable not to touch what the player has collected). I agreed with that decision.

    So what's the status now ? There are no more OP item [citation needed]. All the legendary that stacked so much of 1 thing now stack so much of 1 mediocre things. The tradeoff for consistency is less raw power.

    It was all good for Spike, and probably Johnny, but not for Timmy. Timmy wanted BIG, wanted the Oomph!!. The Oomph like what you can find in Obliterating Hack, in Obliterating Sparks. The Oomph that you are seeking for while hunting for that elusive legendary items. Restricting them means they can be stronger, flashier and desirable. Then it will be worthy for us, the legendary Card Hunters.

    - Restriction only make sense on legendary,
    - Restricting legendary does not solve any problems at the moment.
    - Making legendary better, and then restrict them is the ideal solution (but BM won't have time to do that)

    Edit: Not advocating that all legendaries should be strictly better than epic/rare. Otherwise everyone will be running in all legendary gear. Making them more Oomph while not strictly better is hard, which is why we shouldn't be expecting it.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2015
  4. Vakaz

    Vakaz Guild Leader

    There are still some OP items, however most of the really bad ones help out archetypes that need a little extra help anyway. Cautious Mobility is ridiculously OP, but Elf Warriors kind of need it to keep up with their dwarf counterparts. Electroporter Novice basically overshadows every other Arcane Skill, but wizards have had a hard enough time keeping up with warriors post-3DC that it kind of makes sense for them to have an item like that.

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