Rescue from shield haven prison too hard?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by MrKaralis, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    three days that i'm trying to finish the adventure, i feel the problem is that the dogs are too overpowered.
    They have lot of movement card, dodges and that damned backstab.
    Maybe less hp for them would help a bit.
  2. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    I have still to beat the last level. I gave it up as a bad job and went elsewhere.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    It's hard, but nowhere near impossible. I had more problems with the 2nd map than the last. As I recall it was all about range.
  4. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I did this one no problem on my second try just bring as many damage 10 attacks as you can swiftly killing the dogs to get there cardraw down is vital. I think it even used to be one level lower before when i did it so far from impossible.
  5. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    well guess you're very lucky wozarg because the dogs always dodge (and move) in my games and they likely stab for 10 damage (my move cards end soon and they are many with good mobility)
  6. Kelgate

    Kelgate Kobold

    I think the key is to try and use some ranged zaps on the dogs and try and get them to come to use. I know the second map was a test for me, and one I almost didn't survive on. (I was foolish enough to put my caster out in the open instead of bunched up.) and she ate a backstab that killed her. You pretty much just gotta try and outdamage them and luck out on your armor rolls. The last map was extremely easy I found as well. I was the same level as the adventure.(Thank god for an epic mace for my priest though xD.)

    The final results came down to my fighter and two dogs I believe and he was able to take them out with a couple of different trained bludgeons each.
  7. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    I found Martyr's Pick to be my weapon of choice for this area.
  8. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    tried various setup and then ragequitted from the game after the third attempt. :/
  9. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Its honestly not that hard
  10. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    what can i say, maybe i'm dumb... i'm just reporting my difficulties and things that alienate me from playing the game.
  11. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    What kind of party are you using for the adventure?
  12. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    dwarf warrior, human priest and elf mage and tried various setup for every class.
    The dogs are simply too strong, they have lot of dodges, high mobility, good attacks (and the backstab combined with their high mobility is a almost guaranteed 10 damage hit) and very decent hp.
    Maybe 2 or 3 less hp on dogs would make the adventure playable.
  13. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I had the exact same race/class combos - so it's either you being very unlucky, using the wrong tactic, or not having the optimal setup. Have you tried using push items (bash, force push and similar) to make the dogs use up all their moves, any discard items such as short perplexing ray et c - possibly in combination with reach weapons? Try focusing on card draw on your cleric (altruism/inspiration) and have your mage nuke one before it gets to you. Also, do not move forward to engage, try to stay as far back, passive as possible.
  14. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    When I was doing the last mission, the big open yard, I didn't have any discard items. I did not have altruism / inspiration, either. The dogs start in a circle, with you in the middle and you are guaranteed to be ambushed by the ninja dogs and get back-bitten for double digit damage. The guy who constantly refills the dogs hands ( paws? ) with Dodge / Backbite is also a fricken pain in the ar*e.

    I have no doubt that I could now load up a group of 4/5th level characters with the better loot I have and win, but at the level you're supposed to be to run that mission it is an exercise in frustration.
  15. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I would never go as far as saying someone is dumb but maybe your items are subpar or your strategy flawed. If you feel ike it you can pm me your account info. The i can either relate or beat it for you. Either way we will both know for sure and should i win i can tell peple how
  16. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    no altruism/inspiration for me :(

    and i kill the dog boy to limit their drawing cards (yes i'm very unluck in draws and dice, look at my other topic)

    not intended to say that you called me dumb.
  17. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    It's not an easy fight.
    I returned to Shieldhaven after completing higher level adventures first and luck still was the biggest reason I then won against the dogs.

    As others have said, the best bet is to try to drop some foes as quickly as possible and then try to keep the dogs from getting behind your back.
    And hope they draw Cowardly and fail enough Dodge and Hard to Pin Down rolls...
  18. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    when a game is too much luck based i think that something is wrong.
    (and i tried again three times)

    (guess a possible solution would be lesser hp for the dogs, maybe six or seven )
  19. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    My offer still stands if the adventure is bugging you that much
  20. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    having someone doing it it's not the right solution.

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