This is probably for very important reasons (such as aiding game speed/flow) but I would really like at least the option of being always being able to go Back on selecting a card. Some cards seem to have this, and some don't. The main reason I would greatly appreciate it is that I am primarily playing on a MacBook, and they can be a little imprecise when it comes to Left Click vs Right Click. On probably a dozen or more occasions now i've accidentally played a card I was just trying to look at.
These are excellent suggestions that I did not know about. Are these in the Tutorial text and I glossed over it and only remembered the flaky Right Mouse Button?
No, at least I didn't notice it. It should tell one to use the spacebar or right click though in light of this.
Spacebar is in the tutorial, when you're first visiting your keep - but it's mentioned for items there rather than a specific card. Not sure it's said anywhere else.
Unfortunately selecting some cards has potential to set off combo cards or have effects associated with some abilities. When choosing a card you have to be careful and weigh your options. This is why a lot of cards cannot be backed out of. Also if you highlight over a character, you can view their line of sight.
This is a browser game. This means you can treat the core design similar to any other game on facebook and so forth (though the demographic is a bit different). People who are invested in this game (spent money, lots of time, etc) will understand this is how the nature of the beast works and deal with it. However, the other 90% of the player-base is going to get annoyed and push the X button. Next game. Do you want those people to play this game is a question perhaps to consider but before that. Is this a reflection of their personality or this a flaw with the game. I would argue for the latter. Whenever you play any game you develop very quickly a sense of how the game works. Spacebar jumps, wasd moves, and so forth. You do not expect nor anticipate that one minute, you are jumping over barrels with spacebar happily cruising through a level, and the second minute, spacebar makes you walk backwards and so everything hits the fan (unless such a game is designed for such though not to an extreme like this. Braid would come to mind). In this game, I have noticed this design flaw of inconsistency. If every time I clicked on a card such as casting a fireblast, I was beyond the point of no return, this would also be irritating, but I might very quickly realize this is how this game works. If however, I found that sometimes I can undo, othertimes I cannot, then perhaps I will think the game is broken if in beta, or if launched/if people tell me this is intended, I could just decide that this is terrible and quit. Everyone reading these forums will know that the dungeons reset but have you picked up on what time they reset? How about groups of mobs attack once but solo mobs can attack as many times as they want. There are a whole list of subtleties but they are not as impactful as the core foundation of the game. Solution?: I don't have one yet. I think that for starters "auto target", should be set to off with a hint down the line(perhaps around level 10) mentioning that you can turn it on to save time. I believe that for people learning the game auto target does far more harm than good. Later this week, I'll have more time to think of a tolerable solution perhaps.
I really really find being able to cancel attacks but not moves to be deeply weird. I get the combo thing....but shouldn't they trigger when you commit to a move not when you select the card?
Yeah i was thinking the same here. Also i really agree with Megashield. I would like the game mechanics to be uniform, OR have the option of enabling/disabling the auto target system. I can come up with so many situations where this system would mess with the strategy you intended this turn, just because you miscalculated something in a fraction of a second. I want to lose because my opponent is good, not because i made a tiny mistake that could be corrected by allowing me to do what i intended in the first place. I am not in the beta, but i understand the concept
I got carried away thinking about how cancelling move cards could be implemented, so see the thread that I started for my thoughts. I can, however, say that I have never had a problem with the auto target system, although I've never tried cunning tactics like drawing out reflect missile cards with heal or attacking my own characters to trigger parry to draw more cards. Actually, I don't know if that second one even works and whether it should be considered cunning or crazy...