Request: Disable the buttons after losing a battle for 1/4 second

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Dwedit, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    I've had it happen several times where the buttons on the "you lost" screen activate by themselves without actually being clicked on, and have lost some gold or progress due this. Sometimes Flash player buffers a bunch of mouse clicks then plays them back later.

    So I propose that there be a 250ms delay at the continue/restart/quit screen before the buttons do anything, hopefully that will be long enough to exhaust the buffered mouse clicks.
  2. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    It just happened again. It automatically clicked the "restart mission" button because the mouse was over it, and it was playing some buffered mouse clicks. Should I repost this in Bugs?

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