Reporting on Successfulness of Builds

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by gulo gulo, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    Maybe this is just a thought in my head, and my head alone, but just posting a build and stating the highest elo you attained isn't that helpful.
    • Where did you start (elo)?
    • What kind of opponents did you draw?
    • What was the overall win/loss record for the testing period?
    I think these things are important (amongst other factor), and should be in your post.

    A post that states 'this build got to 1646 today!' but you started at 1626? Cool, but it might mean a whole lot more than if you started at 1266.

    Builds that are strong in the 1600s might have much less effectiveness in lower ranking, depending on what people are using. That works the other way as well, killers in the 1100s and 1200s might find themselves demolished once they get to the 1400s or something.

    Just a small thought; I have no clue if anyone is going to put in that amount of effort or not, but a bare partyanddecksbbcode does not tell as much as you might think. In fact, posts like that without the explanation WHY you are using what you are using stream players just looking for the 'next best build' into a set of predetermined, 'stock' items that people who achieve high rankings deem as 'usable', whereas everything else is 'trash'.

    However, there's not as much 'trash' as people think.
    Now this is just wizard items (surprise), but I think you get the idea. And how do I know? I've done it with all of them, over the course of my 11,000+ games. It's possible. Trust me, it is. But they have all been deemed 'trash' by players with high elo rankings in world chat at some point. Playing 11,000+ games also gives you a lot of time in world chat, ha.

    Now, if everyone just wants to look at a build, look at the elo of the player next to it, copy the build, and play, then so be it. But don't be surprised when start seeing the same things over and over and over and over and over.

    Let's stop discouraging people from trying new things by saying they are 'trash' when they really might be very effective, but since someone with a high elo said it will never work, it never gets tested. For example:
    • When you tell people there are only four weapons you can use or you'll never succeed, you're molding the game to where you will only see those four (or how many ever) weapons in the future.
    • When you tell people elf wizards are 'unplayable', you are effectively taking 1/9 of the possible competition out of play, and narrowing the 'potential' choices.
    • When people say, 'Hi, I'm new!' and they are instantly shuffled off to the same group of forum posts, a culture of what is playable in the game is created.
    I know this is a ramble, I know 1% of you will read this. Some of you might reply, say it's great what I wrote, and do nothing. Some of you think I'm nuts. But I truly believe that this meta where beginners have to [use this], and you should only use a warrior with [this], and on and on and's ruining the game. Some of it is inevitable, as there are some items that are stronger than others. No question. I just find it disheartening that the meta pushes for people only to use certain items and that's that.

    How would I fix this? That's another long post at another time, but be assured, it would annoy just about everyone (even myself). But I think one small solution is really in how people word what they tell others. Don't say 'you can't use that!' Try, 'I wouldn't use this, and here's why'. People at higher ranks have much more power than they think, I think it needs to be wielded much more responsibly.

    I apologize if this made no sense. And I know I went all over the place, but it's been on my mind for awhile, it's why I was basically not here in June, and why I find myself playing less and less. Regardless of what changes, a lot stays the same here, and not all of that is great.

    Thanks for putting up with me.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2016
  2. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    The first part about rating is correct ofc. Macizo for example plays so many games every day that if he says he reached x rating then it was no luck :) Although still wouldn't hurt to add more information.
    About the builds... Copper Zapping Wands and Party Dresses are trash for sure :D
    Macizo and gulo gulo like this.
  3. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    Reached my highest ranking ever (1679) with CZWs. Ha!
    FrigusMacto and Flaxative like this.
  4. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Yes, more detailed info about the build the better. Builds don't exist in a vacuum, big part of the success is the meta and especially map rotation. Some builds might struggle / shine specific maps within the rotation.
    FrigusMacto, Macizo and gulo gulo like this.
  5. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    This is one of the reasons I virtually never post my builds publicly.

    I've faced triple elf wizards twice in the last couple of months... both times I got destroyed. :D
  6. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    This is also why I tell people in world chat that any build I have is for my guild chat only. Strangely enough, people want my builds sometimes. If you want to watch and find out, fine. But you have to put in some effort and figure out what works.

    And, for the record, the initial post and this conversation is not pointed towards any specific player, build, post, anything. It truly is a feeling I've had for a while.
    FrigusMacto and Flaxative like this.
  7. Macizo

    Macizo Guild Leader

    Hi, i post many of my builds, but none is like a restricction, or so. I have a hard time writing in english, glady would post more whys if didnt take me long te to write some lines.

    Still i like creatives builds. Most of the time its try to make an idea work but its hard.
    trrst, gulo gulo, CT5 and 1 other person like this.
  8. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    Yeah, I imagine that can be rough at times. If you ever need some help putting some build analysis together, let me know. I'd be happy to help put things together for you.
    FrigusMacto and Macizo like this.

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