This build has some fixes for our recent Paypal integration update. Specifically, cancelling out of a purchase of a bundle (by closing the Paypal tab or by hitting the cancel button on the Paypal website) shouldn't cause problems with future purchases. Please let us know if you see any issues with purchases through Paypal, Steam Wallet or Kongregate though.
I just bought some Pizza via PayPal. It took about a minute for it to be delivered. That's enough time to wonder whether one just lost one's money. If I hadn't known from the test builds beforehand of the possibility of the delay I'd have been pretty perplexed. If the delay is unavoidable if would be good to be informed of it in the appropriate stage of the transaction to keep bafflement to a minimum. Where it now says something like "Your Pizza will be delivered as soon as possible" it would be good if it said "A delivery time of more than a minute is normal "or "The delivery will take at least a minute" or something to that effect.
It is disappointing how slow Paypal's new API is and we probably should make a note about that. I was hoping it would be faster on the non-sandbox API, but clearly it isn't.
I just ordered the AI bundle via Kreds exchange. (Second Forval's Teak Staff just landed on my club pillow. Figured I'd better go assess my assets. Lol.) Unfortunately, for at least 8 minutes for absolute certain, but perhaps more like 11 minutes, I've just had the little spinny-shield-dragon logo on the dark overlay. Fwiw, Kong says I still have the Kreds in my account, so there's that at least. ~~ Update: I decided to look at the console. The bottom two lines ... one starts AssetManager:nLoaderError and talks about "First Home.jpg?v=" with Error #2035. I have a feeling that is really unrelated, but it's the penulimate line. The last line says... Kongregate - authorizePayment(numbersandthings, kong_set4) ...but otherwise, the spinny-shield-dragon logo persists. It's now been 38 minutes for sure, maybe around 41. Fortunately for me, I have real pizza fresh out of my oven. No soy-flavored tofu toppings, though. $:^ ] ~~ Update: O Mr. @Jon, it's been over an hour. I've considered just refreshing the browser tab and hoping for the best, but I'd prefer to have info better than my mere guesses. I'll probably just leave it open indefinitely until then. Might as well write support... Sorry about your hassles getting this new update going. ~~ Update: Ooohhhhh. The one rare time I open a new browser window instead of a tab... Upon dropping the game's fullscreen status for windowed mode, I now get to see Kongregate put up their own little pop-up, waiting for me to confirm. Lemme try that now... Yep, went on through after that. $F^ , Sorry for the mix-up. At the same time, now you know, you might want to give Kong users a little "get out of fullscreen" warning.