Raising Suggestions

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Raising, May 12, 2013.

  1. Raising

    Raising Mushroom Warrior

    First of all I’m introducing my-self a bit, excuse me for my english writing skills.

    I normaly study the game before playing (when can be done), I find really enjoyable finding out the “how it Works” thing. I got my beta key the last Saturday and ended the campaing the wendesday. I enjoyed it alot ,. Then I tried pvp and now making a full cleric team.

    Thereafter I have some suggestion for the game and encouraged by Joe i’ll use this thread to offer them to the team:


    Problem: players makuing the oponent wait to much ore ven not playing at all hoping for the oponent to surrender,

    Idea :

    Make the turn have TurnTimer it self like one minute, but every time you get the action( or play a card that give the action back to you) you win 5 sec.
    You can have an extra GameTimer with 2 min that is used in case you end without TurnTime up to one min, so you technicaly have 2 min turn time the first 2 turns but one used (if used) you have only one minute (that should be far more tan enought with the +5 sec setup)
    If you run out of time the player pass automatically.

    All the numbers must be adjusted and are only orientative.


    I have two ideas for this:

    One is the Endless tower. A random generated dungeon wich dificulty should be rising, maybe not that random by taking stages from the other dungeons or something (the full random should be cool and I believa geting a tool for creating random stages will be great for the game designers)

    The Second is the Dungeon of the many, inspirated on Goblins Comic ( great comic that makes fun and meta narration in a world based in D&D) this should be a dungeon-tournament playing N Stages a Day and being randomly PVP (in function of the other players conected or not). Ending weekly.
    The thing should be like the player exploring the dungeon and facing lots of diferent setups . And even traps landed by other players. This could be done by making posible that a player arrive to the same room other player is already playing. Is not fair, isn`t meant to be.


    Item adquisition:

    Well at this point im happy with the stuff i have, but i see a big problem. I can’t do anyhting to guide what ítems i get, not like a dungeon where i get more arcane ítems, or something more especific like fire relate ones.

    I ended up tinking in a crafting sistem, working with what we have now:

    To build something you need:
    A treasure of the same rarity and related to the ítem you want to build (lingot for wepons, scales for armor , gems for arcanes etc etc..)

    And components:
    Every card should be realted to a kind: heal, fire, lighting, arcane, slashing, movement, forced_movement,card_control... , and depending of the card rarity you have a array of values that a ítem worth( with an exponential scale), an example:
    This Fogging_Ring
    his cards:
    Memory Losscard control 4/7
    Maze forced_movement 2/7
    Force Bolt forced_Movement 2/7

    So the Fogging Ring will have Card control 16(4^2), forced_movement 8 (2^2+2^2), so to build this ítem you need a gem like adventurine gem and componentes that reach the double of those numbers in total (32 cardcontrol and 16 forced_movement).

    And one more thing to add, depending on the dungeon the kind of treasure you get is fixed or at least more easy to be of one kind, you may make it dependan ton the kind of monster of the stage. So you go there to find the treasure you need to build the item.

    As you can say I tried to make it in a way the sistem could be implemented by operating over the metadata.

    Thats all for today, hope any of this ideas make a diference or inspire aonther ones.

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