Races ...they need to stand out!

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by DragonMind, May 17, 2013.

  1. DragonMind

    DragonMind Mushroom Warrior

    I have been wondering about the setup for races,
    as they are now, races is more appereance than
    a tactical choice, which I believe would be better.

    1) I would really like that the racial slot was unlocked
    from start, and instead of how slotted items work now,
    I would it to consist of cards you would have each turn
    like the move card, which mean one of the usual 3 slots
    is always filled by the mandatory move card.

    Thus a standard slot without slottet items for a race
    could look like this, example:
    'Racial movement card', Shuffle, Shuffle.
    Better or other versions would exchange the last two
    cards, and dwarves usually notoriously known for
    having good armor, could the lowest armor type card
    instead of shuffle ...I hope this gives an idea of where
    I personally would like to see racials stand out and
    make more of an impact, than they do know.

    2) Another issue somewhat related to races, but is about
    classes as well, would be... I want to go to the recruitment
    tavern to recruit not just one class within all races, but
    to be able to choose among all classes with each race,
    and if you really want some daily rotation, I would rather
    it was all classes with one race, cycling through the races
    rather than the classes.

    (I have proof read my post, but there still might be spelling errors or grammatical ones)
  2. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    I actually feel that the racial movement card, HP values, and racial item slot do a surprisingly good job of making the races feel quite different considering how simple it is. Although whether they are currently balanced against each other appears to be a matter of some debate.
    Don't both taverns already offer all combinations of races and classes? I think you just need to click on the right-most tab (the ones that show the race and class, e.g. "Dwarf Warrior", "Human Warrior", "Elf Warrior") and it should scroll onto the next class. Maybe this should made more obvious?
    Zoorland likes this.
  3. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    It's a tactical choice already. Oh my goodness, is it ever. And I'm just talking about the default Move card: I rarely have trouble negotiating with HP differences, and I'm not convinced that Racial Skills are implemented as well as they could be (yet), but the default Move card ALONE is big news.

    We've debated the importance of movement before, and I'll just quote:
    Zoorland likes this.
  4. DragonMind

    DragonMind Mushroom Warrior

    Assussani I wanted the racial slot to be unlocked from start,
    as it is now it's like, example:
    Dwarf, "Oh yeah I just figured out I'm a dwarf, I need some racial skills".
    Sort off, you should be able get my point.
    The suggestion for the items for the racial slot, could be optional,
    but again I think it would fit to have more, ehm ...options.
    Personally I have come across something like a max. of 3 different card
    builds for the item, for the racial slot for one race.
  5. Zoorland

    Zoorland Goblin Champion

    I want ALL of the slots unlocked from the start. This whole piecemeal reveal is one of the only two things I don't like about the game as it currently exists. But it works this way, not because your dwarf doesn't know how to be a dwarf, but because the game wants to slowly introduce you to new concepts so an inexperienced player doesn't feel overwhelmed from the start.

    I don't think racial skills are anywhere near properly balanced against each other, but in general I feel they work as they should. I'd really rather not introduce some new game mechanic just to make them more important.

    And, yeah, race is a huge tactical choice already. The combination of default move card, HP, and racial slot card variety differences combine to make each class play significantly different based on which race you have.
  6. barbalatte

    barbalatte Mushroom Warrior

    I agree that races should stand out more. the problem is that now so many pick dwarf as wizard cause it doesnt need movement as much.. you shouldnt pick races depending on what classes needs movement and not
  7. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    No? Why not?

    Or to put it another way: can I presume you mean "picking race should be based on something beyond JUST your movement needs"? Personally, as argued, I feel that movement needs are pretty important, but other people enjoy (e.g.) using three Elves and applying Elf-benefiting racial skills.

    And as a sidenote, you can certainly find use for speedy Wizards. Consider a Wizard that uses Push Back a lot, or Cone Attacks, or Linear Attacks: for those, you want to position your Wizard first before unleashing. I'm currently trying a party with two Wizards (one Human, one Elf) to see if this sort of thinking works out.
  8. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    It looks like this debate is about traditional dnd vs wow, ala the 12 races of death knights as opposed to dragonborn, dwarf, eladrin, elf / high elf, gnome / rock gnome, half-elf, half-orc, halfling, human and tiefling. I'd like to reinforce via the wiki's racial skills collation here:

    http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Dwarf_Skills - Ferocity, Stoutness, Toughness
    http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Human_Skills - Command, Flexibility, Tactics
    http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Elf_Skills - Evasion, Footwork, Insight

    So a dwarf wizard is tougher...a human wizard is craftier...an elf wizard is faster. Now compare against wizard skills:

    http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Arcane_Skills - Blazing, Electromancy, Pyromancy, Rifthopping, Sparking and Teleportation.

    Races are not just for appearances, there is positive impact in the race/class you pick... And for the record, Surgeonfish won the 1st ever MP competition against the devs with his 3 x elf party. With the latest encumber patch, dwarves are no longer the default choice in MP. Hope it helps. :)
  9. DragonMind

    DragonMind Mushroom Warrior

    When you choose a race you already can see HP and move card difference,
    you are however not tat all told about what the racial slot brings to the table,
    and thats what I don't like about it. By opening up the rcial slot with very weak
    standard skills in such a way you not only can see the movement card, but the
    theoretically kind of cards generally linked with that race, would be nice.

    About the tactical choice against move card VS. HP ...doesn't make such a huge
    difference at all, only during the first 1-4(at highest) levels, if you are bad at tactical play.
  10. DragonMind

    DragonMind Mushroom Warrior

    As the thread starter I can tell, it should be centered around at least one of the issues,
    which I have written about in my starter post. Please read that if you haven't :)
  11. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    I have read it and as stated, the races are already fleshed out in terms of racial skills AND default move. As Zoorland and Sir Knight have already pointed out, choosing the right race has a huge tactical impact. If you feel that the race trait is still not obvious enough, then I'd have to ask what level your party is ? How far are you into the single player campaign ? Have you gone through multiplayer ? etc...

    As stated above, the races are not for appearance. One of the reason it MIGHT seem so, would be that its still beta with a lvl cap. As the game progresses past lvl 20, its not going to be a joy-ride anymore. Mobs are going to hit harder, campaigns designed with more twists, more strategic thinking and party planning etc. And racial/class skills are NOT YET DONE !! :)

    You have 36 cards per character with 1 default movement card. Unless I'm reading it wrong, your suggestion is simply 35 cards per character with 1 default movement card. Do you find the default move card not being visible in the party sheet annoying ? If so, I'm sure the devs would be more than happy to add that in somewhere. I know the wiki does show the default move in party (eg: Adventurers).

    I have no idea what you mean. I go to my Songsword tavern and I see this:


    Are you saying that you would prefer to see 'Dwarf Warrior, Dwarf Priest, Dwarf Wizard, Elf Warrior, Elf Priest, Elf Wizard, Human Warrior, Human Priest, Human Wizard ? If so, there is no reason why there cannot be a grouped by class or group by race toggle in the shop view. Is that what you would prefer to see ?
  12. DragonMind

    DragonMind Mushroom Warrior

    It's not the lack of racial skills, and if you read what I wrote, I did specify I wanted racials from the start,
    it was not that racials didn't exist. I then added a suggestion to how I would improve racial slot items,
    based on that the racial slot was unlocked from start.

    Quote< "How far are you into the single player campaign ?" >
    Atm of writing I got a Lvl 10 party, trying to finish 'The arena, Finals" ...very challenging to the point of being annoying, lol.

    Quote<"Have you gone through multiplayer ?">
    Atm of wrinting I have only tried one MP battle, and it might have been against an AI,
    it's one you are directed by Gary to initiate.

    I have not the habit of wandering in to recruit more members for my full party,
    but it was through the tutorial ...could have been locked for purpose of training
    you in using all the classes.
  13. Phaselock

    Phaselock Bugblatter

    erm, I don't see why racials need to be there from the start. From a developer point of view, someone could also make the suggestion to have class skill from the start. Then the game would end up with everyone having class and race skills from the onset.

    heh, do the campaign once...then replay using a different party build. Then replay again using yet another build. You'll quickly see how the different races stand out. The closed beta testers have 'rinsed' thru multiple parties. I personally had 12 different chars at various levels prior to open beta. Did the races stand out ? Hell yeah... ;)

    MP is the one defining area where race selection is going to impact the rest of your life. :p erm, don't wanna say too much on this....gotta experience this for yourself :)

    Your party is lvl 10 so you've yet to unlock Songsword tavern. And you've only gotten 1 MP game under your belt. Now I understand why you feel races don't quite stand out. ;) I hope my replies clear things up...basically, get more games under the belt...make different parties, play more and enjoy ! Come back to this thread when you've at least replayed the campaigns twice. :)
  14. DragonMind

    DragonMind Mushroom Warrior

    The way I experienced it, they actually do have class skills from start,
    if not reflected by item slots, then a least by the cards for the items you have/get.

    I have no intention of playing through the campaign again, unless some balancing
    of sorts, new (maybe improved) content or vital changes that requires a forced reset.

    I find the current battles exciting and challenging, but not THAT exciting or joyfull.
    Though I might do some more MP battles, but I feel I need better gear ...at least the
    gear which can be upgraded, taking talents into consideration as well.

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