I know you are allowed 3 losses before you have to restart a module, and that disconnects during battle count as losses (which I disagree with in single player, but anyway). I have two questions: Are the "3 losses" per map or per module? In personal experience it seems to be sometimes one way, and sometimes the other. What exactly counts as "during battle"? The module seems to have these states: Module cover. Battle Preview. Battle loading screen: dragon shield loading icon, hint text, log shows "Battle initiated" but does not show "Event: Start Game". This is where most of my disconnects happen. The actual battle. Victory/Defeat screen. Goto phase 9 if defeated. Goto 12 if out of retries. Loot screen, closed chest. Loot screen, open chest. Next battle preview. Goto 3. Preview screen again. Why? Modify party screen. Preview screen yet again. Goto 3. Revive screen. I know disconnecting during phases 3 and 4 count as losses, and I think 9 does too.
It is always 3 losses per adventure, not per map. As long as you don't leave the loot screen quitting doesn't count as a loss. Pretty sure preview counts as a started battle tbh.
This is a huge issue for me. My connection has intermittent disconnection problems, and I frequently have to step away from the computer to do things. Between these two factors, I VERY frequently get disconnected from missions. I have recently started having more and more difficulty beating the higher missions and they are therefore taking longer to think through and beat, especially if I am doing well I do not want to fail because of not thinking through it enough. The disconnection problem is so bad, I don't think I have completed a single module without getting disconnected at least once, outside of the tutorial. It is incredibly frustrating to the point that it is discouraging to even think of starting a new module knowing that I could fail completely outside of my control. It doesn't really make sense to me being a turn based game why I cannot pick up where I left off after disconnecting, like some other f2p card games. I know this isn't really the main point of this thread, but it is a huge deal to me and I wanted to talk about it since you mentioned it. Edit: After posting this I realized I have been avoiding playing for fear of disconnecting, even though I really want to continue the campaign and play this really fun game. So I hop into the next mission I hadn't tried yet, realized it was full of skellies and I brought a bunch of stabs and slashes, decided to work through it anyway and managed to evade and keep drawing attacks that would work, force discards, acid their armor, heal through it all and pull it off till we were down to one last skelly in position to be killed for the win when... 20 minutes of an intense battle going against the odds with the wrong weapons but persevering anyway... gone down the drain, just because my internet hiccuped. I guess now I know to bring bludgeoning when I try it again. Should make it easier, assuming I don't just get disconnected again.
The last two failures I have had are due to disconnects. This is one of the reasons I am playing less than I used to. I understand why quitting is seen as failure of a mission, but the game can not tell the difference between someone closing their browser and losing their internet connection.
From what I recall, this is not due them wanting the system working this way, than rather remaking the save system to work after every move was very complicated. Apparently it's on the devs wishlist, and I agree that it would be good, especially for people with bad connections.