This is coming up more and more as I continue deeper in the game. Scenario 1: Enemy has a DoT on them set to deal 2 damage, and they place a HoT on themselves to heal 2 damage. The enemy has 2 HP. New round... and the heal goes off before the damage. Is it random which one happens first, or is it a First-In, Last-Out system? Scenario 2: I'm fighting two 5 HP zombies, both of which have the Festering Guts trait active ("When you die, deal 18 Acid damage to all characters within 2 squares."). I am one Victory Point away from winning, and the enemy is 2 VP away. I cast lethal damage on zombie 1, trait triggers, zombie 2 gets lethal damage from zombie 1, zombie 2's trait triggers, lethal damage on my character. I lose. I can understand the logic of "resolve all triggers first." In fact, on that very mission, I thought the game might have been programmed in such a manner. On the other hand, I was hopeful that I would get the VP for killing the first zombie before the trigger resolved, sort of like in Magic where lethal damage to the player automatically ends the game right then, no matter what is on "the Stack." Anyway, I was just wondering if there were hand-and-fast rules for adjudicating triggers and such.
Trying to figure that out myself actually. I'm told it has to do with who starts the turn and the position of the board (0,0 being the bottom of the screen). I haven't sat down to really see if that is true in all cases...yet.