A couple of days ago, I heard from Stexe that the card Instant Burn activates all burns that you as a player own, and that he saw that happen in beta. Recently, I got a White Flame, and to my disappointment, it only activates that particular wizard's burns. Why was this changed?
Really? That's a pity. Guess I'll just have to write this off as another item only useful for FS decks.
Is that not powerful enough to you??? Someone told me that it triggers only the cards on the target character A dedicated fire mage can easily have 5-6 burning attachments on the enemies or even more, even without Firestorms.
Similar question: if you have three fire cards attached to a target will instant burn: a) do it's own damage, trigger all three cards which are already attached onto the target, attach itself pushing the oldest card off (to stay withing the limit of 3 attachments), or b) attach to target and push off the oldest attachment, do its damage and trigger the remaining two cards?
A point of possible interest is that you can cast Instant Burn on any character (such as an ally with good armor) to trigger all the burns on your enemies without displacing any of their attachments.
Now that four months have past and I have put my White Flame to good use (Take THAT, old me!), I can now answer this! Instant burn DOES attach to the target before the rest of the burn cards activate, which means that if fired at a creature with three burn attachments, it will do 2 damage, attach itself, and then activate the remaining two attachments (along with any other burning cards on other players played by that wizard). Instant burn will also activate other instant burns, provided they are on someone other then the person you just attacked with the new one.
Turns out b. is right. I could have sworn I had seen a burn card trigger before being pushed off by Instant Burn, but apparently not. Unless it changed in the patch?
Interesting, when you say 'activate other instant burns' do you mean the damage only or the 'triggering' part as well? I suspect that the damage only, otherwise two instant burns on different character could potentially re-trigger one another in an infinite loop?
Yup, only the burning. It does activate all burning that you played on your own characters too though, so if you're casting instant burn on your own figures to burn your opponents (this does work), make sure you keep targeting the same guy.