question for cardhunter item collectors getting 100%

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by haho, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. haho

    haho Orc Soldier

    so apparently, according to steam achievements I'm at 356/357 and 359/360 for common items and uncommon... I literally have no idea what cards are missing. In fact, I could have sworn I had all the commons and uncommons months ago, since nothing new has showed up in the shops in a long time.

    So my question for completionists, how do you know how many total number of cards there are for each rarity type? Is there is some way to tell within the game what cards you are missing? Also, is there a way to tell in the game how many total items there are broken up by expansions? Or just all jumbled together in one lump?

    I've not seen any hard numbers within the game myself or a x/357 listing anywhere. But since I know some try to get 100% of the items, there must be some way of doing it.
  2. haho

    haho Orc Soldier

    Sometimes in this forum I've read comments like "I'm just missing card x" and I wonder how they can know that specific card is missing.
  3. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    That's from using @neoncat's Collection Analysis (now hosted by Stexe), but that hasn't been updated for EttSC or Aloyzo. I believe neon and others were working on updating it, but I haven't seen the results yet. The missing Common is most likely the Dynamic Staff that was just added, but I have no idea why an Uncommon would be missing.

    Hrmm.... looking through Equipment.csv and sorting by tags, set, and rarity, I see 366 lootable Commons in the base set.
  5. haho

    haho Orc Soldier

    I tried the collection analysis v9 last night, and it worked... only I couldn't really make sense of it. for example for common it listed 429 possible items, for uncommon 436. So the numbers didn't add up compared to the 357 and 360 of the achievement... and then I wasn't sure what the pop-up box represented (maybe it is for items I don't have yet?) ...and also, all the items from the expansion are all lumped together, for example all the laser cards etc.

  6. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Yeah by the default it has all the expansion in it.
  7. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    I'm not sure what the steam achievement doesn't include, but the collection analysis tool is accurate for all items.
  8. haho

    haho Orc Soldier

    that is peculiar then. the uncommon collector achievement is 357, the common collector achievement is 360, and rare collector is 280... none which match up with the collection analysis tool. I didn't check but Im guessing epic collector and legendary collector achievements are probably different too.

    edit: so... something strange is going on with the achievement stuff. I randomly picked a pve adventure and after I completed it, I got the uncommon collector achievement. However, the loot I got was nothing new, just duplicates of stuff I already had.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  9. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    As was pointed out, those achievements are only for items in the base set, not items from AotA or Citadel (or the new Aloyzo's Aresenal item/s).

    Here's a list of all the uncommon items in the base set, excluding one-off special items (that have the "no loot" flag set in the equipment data). There are 360 by my count. However, if you think this list is out in some way, let me know.

    Puncturing Dagger
    Simple Dagger
    Stout Club
    Rusted Blade
    Light Mace
    Rusty Chainmail
    Patchwork Chainmail
    Mail of the Martyr
    St. Temrun's Chainmail
    Holy Breastplate
    Seething Armor
    Shield of the Frog
    Energetic Helmet
    Finzi's Horned Helmet
    Medallion of St. Vigus
    Demon Charm of the 7th Circle
    Healing Ring of the Inner Light
    Bishop's Healing Ring
    Demon Charm of the 5th Circle
    Tome of the Martyr
    Medallion of the Unnamed Saint
    Healing Ring
    Talisman of Ill-Fate
    Acolyte's Healing Ring
    Novice's Healing Ring
    Demon Charm of the 2nd Circle
    Weathered Prayer Beads
    Neophyte's Healing Ring
    Maple Staff of the Magus
    Hide Boots of the Bull
    Cloth Boots of the Bull
    Rotting Leather Boots
    Hallowed Axe
    Oaf's Armor
    Misanthrope's Pearl
    Simple Wooden Shield
    Glowing Jewel
    Citrine Amulet
    Arcanist's Staff
    Copper Spear
    Weighted Cudgel
    Sharpened Pick
    Burnished Blade
    Reflecting Staff
    Short Blasting Staff
    Healing Charm
    Simple Axe
    Caustic Wand
    Martyr's Medallion
    Robe of Auras
    Robe of Opposition
    Healer's Spear
    Tough Hide Shirt
    Balanced Rapier
    Rhinestone Trinket
    Slim Gold Ingots
    Diamond Shards
    Blunt Sword
    Crude Healing Charm
    Bulky Club
    Chipped Dagger
    Shiny Blade
    Rickety Polearm
    Green Wand
    Arcane Crown
    Sparking Staff
    Thin Leather Shirt
    Old Padded Mail
    Poor Man's Mail
    Broken Charm
    Red Lacquer Box
    Berserker's Bones
    Small Healing Orb
    Fragile Juju
    Tarnished Goblin Skull
    Long Axe of Repentance
    Trog Skin Jacket
    Reliable Scale Mail
    Reinforced Mail
    Vladimir's Battlestaff
    Cheap Fencer's Boots
    Crafted Boots
    Adept's Healing Mail
    Shoddy Penitent's Mail
    Long Axe of Retribution
    Repelling Mace
    Initiate's Glaive
    Spiked Breastplate
    Spiked Mail
    Cruel Spiked Mail
    Crown of Thorns
    Wimp's Helm
    Cover Shield
    Penetrating Chain
    White Orb
    Stone of Searing Memories
    Jade Labyrinth
    Demon's Tooth
    Healing Mirror
    Cleansing Mirror
    Hickory Staff
    Staff of Flames
    Cherry Boltstaff
    Lunging Spetum
    Lunging Glaive
    Silver Rapier
    Brass Rapier
    Gorval's Mail
    Mail of the Golden Aura
    Healer's Mail
    Rusted Angel Mail
    Blessed Club
    Jerkin of Thorns
    Shoulderspike Mail
    Beast's Robes
    Devouring Orb
    Cursed Orc Wand
    Destructive Wand
    Oak Roots
    Healing Talisman
    Amulet of Inspiration
    Barbarian's Mail
    Spiked Shirt
    Robe of Lightness
    Viridian Staff
    Furnace Staff
    Lesser Furnace Staff
    Mighty Sparkping Staff
    Hippocampal Staff
    Sulphuric Staff
    Greater Sulphuric Staff
    Sergeant's Cap
    Lieutenant's Cap
    Parrying Buckler
    Etched Sparkstaff
    Impetuous Shield
    Shiny Earring
    Gold Streaked Nuggets
    Fine Amber
    Small Ruby
    Small Emerald
    Adventurine Trinket
    Large Adventurine
    Onyx Candelabra
    Opalesque Ornament
    Large Topaz
    Shiny Adventurine
    Gold Ingots
    Wand of Confusion
    Amulet of the Clouded Mind
    Saint's Armor
    Duality Mace
    Minotaur Helm
    Buckler of Inertia
    Deflecting Buckler
    Quickfoot Buckler
    Lead-pommeled Sword
    Armor of Cleansing
    Cleansing Hide
    Maple Shield
    Battered Buckler
    Thick Club
    Dull Shortsword
    Blocking Axe
    Red Circlet
    Viscous Locket
    Blasting Rod
    Thrumming Bracelet
    Malachite Orb
    Pewter Amulet
    Hot Crystal
    Red Iron Ring
    Mindzap Bauble
    Bluestone Pendant
    Redstone Pendant
    Greenstone Pendant
    Yellowstone Pendant
    Scepter of Antipathy
    Shifting Bangle
    Spellbane Scepter
    Smoke Circlet
    Locket of the Gale
    Brainfire Orb
    Braincloud Orb
    Vermillion Pendant
    Striped Boots
    Kangaroo Boots
    Marshall's Boots
    Boots of the Rhino
    Bouncing Boots
    Rusty Red Boots
    Bully Boots
    Sharp-edged Boots
    Power Boots
    Winged Track Shoes
    Rusted Iron Boots
    Nimble Chain Boots
    Awkward Spiked Boots
    Spiked Leather Boots
    Holey Boots
    Greenguard Boots
    Camp Boots
    Scrap-heap Boots
    Buckled Boots
    Croc Skin Boots
    Jumpdragger Boots
    Lovat Boots
    Boots of Aggression
    Portal Frock
    Lightfoot Cloak
    Thaumaturge's Robe
    Heavy Green Robe
    Magenta Cloak
    Firebug Robe
    Gray Robe
    Alchemist Robes
    Pungent Incense
    Amber Charm
    Tome of Sanctity
    Singing Glaive
    Militiaman's Pike
    Sharp Spetum
    Double-edged Sword
    Sword of the Lion
    Tango Spear
    Striped Shield
    Banana Shield
    Streaked Shield
    White Shield
    Halo Shield
    Pentagon Shield
    Orange Shield
    Shield of Vitality
    Bulky Shield
    Sepia Shield
    Jet Armor
    Cleansing Mail
    Mail of Succor
    Enervating Spear
    Witchdoctor's Axe
    Field Medic's Pike
    Cleansing Morningstar
    Demonic Blade
    Cleansing Blade
    Virescent Spear
    Temple Blade
    Hefty Mace
    Axe of the Dark Soul
    Lifesuck Spear
    Northgale Plate
    Cuirass of Froth
    Golden Splint Mail
    Helmet of Thorns
    Fool's Coif
    Bellowing Helm
    Helm of Breezes
    Robes of Levitation
    Forcefield Robes
    Robes of Illusion
    Quickfoot Robes
    Scarlet Robes
    Lavender Staff
    Sorcerery Staff
    Chillwood Staff
    Redrune Staff
    Whiterune Staff
    Pearwood Staff
    Counterblast Staff
    Advanced Stoutness
    Superb Ferocity
    Novice Ferocity
    Advanced Toughness
    Novice Toughness
    Superb Command
    Novice Command
    Advanced Flexibility
    Novice Flexibility
    Advanced Evasion
    Trained Footwork
    Trained Insight
    Novice Insight
    Untrained Teleportation
    Novice Teleportation
    Apprentice Teleportation
    Beginner Command
    Sharp Bashing
    Electroporter Novice
    Stout Charger
    Frightened Scouting
    Trained Bruising
    Careful Attacker
    Untrained Slicing
    Novice Slicing
    Apprentice Slicing
    Trained Slicing
    Powered Slicing
    Frenzied Slicing
    Untrained Bruising
    Novice Bruising
    Apprentice Bruising
    Advanced Bruising
    Superb Bruising
    Untrained Impaling
    Novice Impaling
    Apprentice Impaling
    Trained Impaling
    Advanced Impaling
    Superb Impaling
    Angry Attacker
    Sharp Slicing
    Quick Attacker
    Untrained Pyromancy
    Novice Pyromancy
    Focused Blazing
    Focused Burning
    Advanced Pyromancy
    Superb Pyromancy
    Untrained Electromancy
    Novice Electromancy
    Apprentice Electromancy
    Trained Electromancy
    Advanced Electromancy
    Superb Electromancy
    Trained Teleportation
    Advanced Teleportation
    Superb Teleportation
    Burning Spark Initiate
    Electroporter Initiate
    Untrained Piety
    Novice Piety
    Apprentice Piety
    Trained Piety
    Advanced Piety
    Superb Piety
    Untrained Healer
    Novice Healer
    Apprentice Healer
    Trained Healer
    Advanced Healer
    Superb Healer
    Untrained Ablution
    Novice Ablution
    Apprentice Ablution
    Trained Ablution
    Advanced Ablution
    Superb Ablution
    Pious Cleansing
    Holy Cleansing
    Pious Healer
    Canny Healer
    Blessed Ablution
    Superb Guidance
    Thoughtful Guidance
    Perfect Guidance
    Sir Veza likes this.
  10. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I got 368 items from the equipment file, but when I compared them to your list I found that the extra eight were empty slot items like "Bare Arms". Why don't those have the noLoot tag or something? And didn't they use to have a rarity value of "Default"?
  11. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yes, those are default slot "items". You can filter them out because they have an entry in the Slot Default column.
  12. haho

    haho Orc Soldier

    I have no idea about that, but there seems to be a strange way the steam game is detecting what items you have in regards to achievements. I gave an example above, how I completed an adventure, got items I already had and yet the achievement popped for completing uncommon collector. how/why that happened? I've no idea.
  13. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    I wonder if maybe the bug which affects the counting of items on reserve or co-op characters is also affecting the Steam collector achievements? Haho, did you have an uncommon item you only have one copy of equipped on a character that was not it in your active party (that is, in the reserve or inactive character list to the left of the party builder in your Keep or on a character stored in the fourth, co-op character slot in your active SP party) when you got the Uncommon Collector achievement?
  14. haho

    haho Orc Soldier

    ^ good question, wish I had paid more attention at the time. I'm leaning towards no however. But I am not 100% certain. I usually 'clear' all the gear from the characters I'm not using in my main 3 group party.
  15. Decoster

    Decoster Kobold

    Sorry to necro this thread a bit, but I was wondering if the treasure items are required to complete this achievement... I've been selling my treasure items all the time and only noticed the achievement just now. Does that mean it's become impossible for me to get this achievement?
  16. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    As Jon set it up, treasures are not included for the achievement. Only usable items from the Base set.
    Blizzrd33 likes this.

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