QUESTION: Enemy actions

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Legjre, May 24, 2013.

  1. Legjre

    Legjre Kobold

    For my wizard, I'm trying to use Hot spot cards since they do ridiculous damage, but this is proving pointless as the enemy usually runs off them. Obviously I try to time placement of said floor tiles towards the end of the turn so that actions are exhausted but the enemy often surprises me and jumps off the tile even when upon mouseover their stats specifically states NO MORE ACTIONS. So I'm wondering, in essence, what the eff.

    I know you can look up top and see if there are cards remaining, but this doesn't work if there's a bunch of enemies on screen, since they'll all show the same result.

    Help. How do I actually determine when an enemy has no remaining actions in a given turn?
  2. Neofalcon

    Neofalcon Goblin Champion

    Playing a move card doesn't count as an "action" for enemies with action points. As such, enemies will always be able to move off of bad terrain as long as they have a move card in their hand.
  3. LightPhoenix

    LightPhoenix Orc Soldier

    As an aside, I believe that traits also do not count toward the limit, if a unit draws cards and has no action left.

    The key to (most) terrain attachments is knowing when to use them. You'll want to use them when you know an enemy doesn't have move cards left, which usually means the end of their turn when the AI is passing. However, there are some units that have cards like Run, Team! that allow all of their allies to move. In those cases you'll have to try another strategy.

    The best way to estimate what cards are in an opponent's hand is to reveal blocks and armor cards by utilizing weak attacks from the front/side. If a unit has an attack or spell and a move card it will usually, but not always, try to move into a position to use it. If they don't move and the AI is passing, they usually don't have a move card.

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