[Question] Basic edition and previously owned freebie figurines

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Elemental Ajah, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Depending on the answer to my question, this post may turn into a suggestion.

    On my first day of playing, I used some of my free pizza to obtain one of the male dwarf cleric figurines to replace the "Helga" looking female dwarf in my partly, mainly because she had such a manly voice in-game. Now that I've cut my teeth and nearly played through the entire main campaign, I'm thinking about showing my love of the game and buying the basic edition.

    Regarding the figures which are included in the purchase, I take it that these are the exact 9 which are shown on the promotional art for the basic edition, and that I don't get to choose any 9 figures or anything like that. However, I noticed that the dwarf cleric I already bought is one of these 9 figures.

    My question is this: If I purchase the basic edition, will I be refunded the 80 pizza I used to buy the figurine that I should be getting again, or is it simply my loss for not choosing a different figurine? If the latter is the case then I would strongly suggest that people should be allowed to get a refund for figurines or treasure hunts that they've already bought before getting the basic edition. I realize that in the grand scheme of things this is a very tiny value to lose, but I still feel like this is a "Gotcha!" that kills some of my enthusiasm to actually buy the basic edition.

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