QUESTION AND SUGGESTION why does life block not work with terrian damage

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Banezilla, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Banezilla

    Banezilla Mushroom Warrior

    so why wont Lifesaving Block trigger on lava and things like that, it does say block any damage so onewould thing it would work on them. is this just a bug or.......?
  2. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    None of the cards with Block Any block terrain damage. I guess that is a general rule - terrain damage is not considered to be melee, projectile or magic so it cannot be blocked by any means. Or maybe terrain damage is not really considered to be an enemy attack so it is not eligible to be blocked.
  3. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    You are not being targetted, you are not being attacked, you take damage from standing on something. I can't imagine anyone blocking something coming from the ground under their feet. Maybe stepping on the shield would make some sense. Armor, however, is always on your character and does help with any incoming damage.

    For your problems, Toughness is the equivelent of Lifesaving Block if you want to prevent damage from terrain
  4. Banezilla

    Banezilla Mushroom Warrior

    well it does get blocked by armor so thats why i was wondering why not other block cards, not to mention some block cards are for any damage not just melee , projectile, or magic, however terrain is magic cause your casting it to make it happen

    guess i would really like a devs' input on this as to the mechanics of it
  5. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    The way I figured it, (most) armour prevents damage from all directions while (most) blocks prevent damage from in front of you. Terrain damage doesn't come from in front of you, it comes from underneath you ergo ...
  6. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    It sounds like you might be getting caught up on linguistics. You say Armor "Blocks damage" and therefore wonder why that doesn't apply to "other Block cards"--but Armor isn't a type of Block.

    An Armor card REDUCES damage (it does not "Block").

    A Block card prevents a card from taking effect whatsoever.

    Therefore, a Flimsy Block could prevent Telekinesis, but Rusty Armor could not. Rusty Armor could reduce damage just as easily from a Weak Strike as from an Obliterating Hack, whereas you just have to look at Flimsy Block to see its limitations. Block cards are each limited in their own way.

    No Block whatsoever will trigger on a Terrain effect.
  7. Banezilla

    Banezilla Mushroom Warrior

    WRONG...IM NOT CAUGHT UP ON THE LINGUISTICS, IT'S JUST WORDED WRONG. don't need ppl making it sound dumb by getting caught up on semantics (not that im saying you were trying to do so). it was just a simple question that has been answered well enough already.

    /end of thread.

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