Question about game.

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Briareos, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Briareos

    Briareos Kobold

    I was just wondering if I've missed anything yet. Was this on KS and have KS only stuff like characters or items or whatnot. Also was there anything for sale that was time limited that is never going to be available again?
  2. Heretiick

    Heretiick Goblin Champion

    There were two closed beta exclusive costumes that are no longer available, a silver samurai human warrior and an Egyptian themed human priest.
  3. Briareos

    Briareos Kobold

    Do the people who have those costumes still have access to them or were they for CB only?
  4. Heretiick

    Heretiick Goblin Champion

    They can still access them.

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