Please put a "New" marker on shop items that are not already owned/in the player's inventory, so we don't have to go through the hassle of checking every single item in every shop every time the shops restock.
There's already a shop inventory filter for this. Press the "All" button twice to see only new items in the shop. The image is from the wiki inventory searching instructions, thanks, Phaselock!
Just to be clear, what's the meaning of "New" here? A) You don't own it B) It came into the shop with the last refresh I thought it's B, and KT Chong is asking for A If it's indeed A, maybe the button should say something like "Not owned"?
It's A. Mouseover the button when it's in the "New" state and you'll see the clarification in the tooltip: "Showing items not yet owned (click to toggle)". The tooltips are very good in Card Hunter, it's always worth it to examine them.
Likewise. Owned currently, or owned ever? Is it like cards, where once you've seen them in action they're not "new" anymore even if you sold them all?
You can easily find that out. Sell all of your copies of an item available in a store and see what happens. You can then buy them back for the same price. Please let us know the results if you go ahead with this.