I'm trying to do all challenges with Wozarg - I'm mainly only a helper, he's the one doing 99% of the job. I've noticed that there are really, really few reasonable, useful no talent cost Divine Items - I'd say at the current time and the items I have seen: there's only one which can be considered to be used, maybe two. Demon Charm Of The 2nd Circle and rather deadly Tome Of The Withering Source. I compared most of the items and I would say (remember: this is only my opinion) that this slot - Divine Item is the most unrepresented slot (when it comes to no talent cost items!) in the beta, as of now. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this manner, thank you. What I'm basically trying to say is that due to lack of any useful no talent Divine Items Priest lacks horribly in departament of usefulness in such a challanges when compared to Warrior or Wizard.
It mainly has something to do with how Priest's card 'tiers' are. The no talent cost Divine Items have insanely weak cards compared to the other slot, like Arcane Items of Wizard - where you can find a lot more useful stuff, like hot spot, knockbacks etc. What you get with priest's divine items at no talent cost - it always has something to do with lowest grade of healing cards - which are unfortunately more than useless in most cases in said challenges.
I believe they will do passes (and adding more ) on divine items in the future, they just did one for boot, arcane items and robes I believe - and said weapons was coming in the near future.
For some reason it makes me feel like i have multiple personality disorder when the people on my account are having a discussion with none else joining in. ^^'
I'll have to agree here, though there's a few decent-ish no talent divine items (Smoky Talisman, Small Healing Orb, Shoddy Healing Token, Cursed Talisman Of Extension, and a few others), but none of them really have much oomph. I'd like to see some similar to low level arcane items that can often have at least one better/higher tier card on them. I'd like to see them with a single copy of say: Impenetrable Nimbus, Savage Curse, Touch Of Death, Accelerated Thought, Martyr's Blessing, or Time Snap. Possibly up to two copies of Entangling Roots, Draining Touch, or Sapping Touch). Even if this would sometimes require counter-balance with a drawback card. Example combinations: Entangling Roots x2, Minor Heal Impenetrably Nimbus, Bungled Heal, Demonic Pain Savage Curse, Bad Medicine, Demonic Revenge Touch Of Death, Misguided Heal, Wavering Faith Martyr's Blessing, Minor Heal, Demonic Miasma And of course, completely new cards would be welcome too!
Lovely - that's exactly what I meant and forgot to mention: I'd love to see at least a single higher tier card on those items, even if it would require counter-balance with a drawback cards. Edit: Another thing which should be mentioned: low-tier cards [inside divine items!] of priest are the weakest of all classes (especially if we're talking about harder stuff - like challenges without any talent points): Warriors are still able to dish out decent damage, get some lovely armor (helmet slot) Wizards are still able to use hot spot, some good pushing / damaging cards, as well as some AoE (fireballs & firestorm) Clerics on no-talent setup: worse capabilities than warrior when it comes to damage (altough this is arguable - there are some nice weapons with rage trait/drawback on them), with cleric - you get divine items (9 card slots) which not only reduce your chance of drawing attack cards - but no talent divine items are in 90% wasted oppurtunity of a useful card.
I've got a Novice's Healing Ring on my lvl 12 priest right now. I would add Righteous Tome, Tarnished Prayer Beads, and Uncertain Juju to the list above. They may lack the attention grabbing of other classes -- it's Conan and Gandalf who get the star roles -- but they are useful. I'd like to point out that I have no fireballs for my wizard, so the relative comparison of utility is a bit subjective. The problem I'm facing is that all the drawbacks at this tier are unholy/demonic, which can seriously hamper priests when you have to take a lot of them on Drawback quests and are outright dangerous on 1 Health quests. The basic priest cards at this tier are okay for their level, but it seems like the drawbacks are not as strongly balanced by better cards as you find with other classes.
Yep the low level pool for priests in general is terrible thats why you need really good weapons to even bother running one early. The thing is when we talk about level reduced and 1hp challenges those items you showed me are not even close to acceptable. The only card that really maters on any of those is the one off inspiration and you can't even use that properly if you had 3 you need more or its pointless to bring the priest.
Perhaps I misunderstood the thrust of the discussion then, since I was thinking a bit more generally about "divine items with no talent cost." (I'm still slowly working my way through the middle game and I've not yet touched the levels reduced to x challenges.) I would hope epic and legendary items offer nicer suites than my present collection -- but a check of the wiki offers no such consolation: nothing listed there (and the few rares are unimpressive). When outfitting for quests I don't care to limit my warriors and wizards to uncommons, so it's no surprise to feel priest options are lacking.
Yep sadly priests are miles behind in challenges. Also if i came of as harsh in my last message that was unintended i just meant to be very clear that those items are not anything that could even be considered options for the harder challenges.