Power of the Divine

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Althezel, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Althezel

    Althezel Mushroom Warrior


    What's this I hear of the twitter feed about divine items? I fail to remember them being mentioned anywhere before. I demand an explanation.

    That sounded pushy and rude. Allow me to rephrase.

    Can we please find out more about these? Cause I'm really curious, but I know you're very busy, so whatever you can provide us with would be lovely kthxbai.
  2. A Bear

    A Bear Goblin Champion

    Maybe a special slot for holy folk?
  3. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Ugh, I've gotten so lost on the basic details of the game. Google advanced search to the rescue!

    Dev Diary #5 famously proclaimed "These are all Arcane Items, for Wizards of course." This implied we'd get other "[Adjective] Items" eventually. Dev Diary #16 then said:
    Woo! So, "Divine." Probably short for "Divine Weapon," but it could also have been modified to "Divine Item." The latter makes more sense.
  4. Althezel

    Althezel Mushroom Warrior

    This seems likely, but the way it was worded, it sounded like it may be for more than just a priest. I wonder if there may be some overlap between classes in those senses too. It's really hard to say because they could have changed quite a bit sense those first proclamations, such as with card color. After all, it's only a name, so I don't know that we can dig too far into it without some more hints.
  5. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

  6. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yep, Divine Items are for priests, as you surmise.

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