Possible additional classes

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Cuthawolf, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Cuthawolf

    Cuthawolf Kobold

    Yup, feeling verbose today.

    Along the same vein as the multiclassing discussion I posted, I've also been thinking about adding additional classes and how you'd keep them balanced in relation to the existing classes. Essentially I created three 'copies' of the existing classes, with some changes in flavour and card selection, but not necessarily entirely new mechanics. Obviously the biggest obstacle for any new class is that you're adding a fairly large pool of new cards just to keep them interesting. Anyway, here are the three I'd been thinking about.

    Rogue/Fencer: Seems there is a decent chance a class like this is already in the works given some of the other discussions, but I thought I might include my thoughts on it anyway. I pondered for a while on how to make the rogue a little unique compared to her warrior counterpart, and so far what I'd thought of was this: Rework the existing warrior to be slightly less damage oriented and more tank oriented. Remove a weapon slot and replace it with an armour or shield slot to represent the increased bulk. Maybe add a second skill slot and add warrior skills that are more focused on defense. With changes like that you could have a rogue pull from the existing warrior weapons pool, maybe with skills or light armour that make step/attack cards more appealing. That way you encourage the rogue to be a mobile striker, moving in to attack and then slipping out again before he gets waffled. Having her draw from the existing Warrior weapon pool also places less of a burden on the creation of new cards (Just skills and armour) and possibly breathes some life into older cards by giving them synergy with the new skills and armour.

    (Additional thought: It only just now occurred to me that you could use the same cards as exist on current equipment and just put them on new gear. Penetrating Lunge and Backstab (just as roguey examples) could just be added to rogue weapons that warriors can't use. So I guess there isn't a huge need to reduce the new card pool.)

    This class double dips a little from it's sister class the Priest because it would take advantage of some of the less used mechanics from that class, and switch the heavier aspects to side abilities. I picture the Druid as something of a hinderer, debuffer or crowd controller with thinks like halts, encumbers and slows. This may be too much like the existing Mage, but at my current level I still haven't seen much in the way of non-damage related effects out of my mages. The druid could still include a smaller selection of heals if intended as an analogue to the Cleric, but it's primary duty would be to prevent damage by keeping foes from landing meaningful hits. Penalties to damage, a curse similar in effect to Defensive but for melee attacks and, as mentioned above, halts, encumbers and slows. This could still draw some cards from the Mage and Cleric base, but would likely also need some cards of it's own to emphasize where it's strengths lie.

    Sort of a mage of a different stripe, the Ranger would fill the same need for ranged damage, but might eschew multi-target or status related effects for higher damage or penetration. Also I don't think I've seen much in the way of poison cards from any of the existing classes, so it might be an interesting opportunity to use poison a little more heavily (also possible on the rogue up above). Another thought would be to flip that, and have a Ranger's attacks do primarily less damage but focus on unpleasant damage over time effects, accuracy debuffs or even conditional damage cards (eg. Opponents takes 3 damage. If target moves while this card is attached, target takes 2 damage.) I see this idea as probably my weakest of the three, since a lot of it could be transferred to the Rogue if you wanted to make him more of a projectiley kind of guy instead of a close combat brawler, but having a second option for ranged combat would be nice.

    What do you think of my ideas? What kind of class ideas do you have or would like to see?
  2. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    You cannot really make warriors less offense and more defense, unless you give them more terrain control.

    Adding more Taunt style cards which remove enemy control over their own actions is not very enjoyable. So if you get to the point of having warriors be hard to kill, but easy to ignore... people will just ignore them. That is hardly a tank.

    I would love to see some creatures from the PvE opponents be usable in MP. Enemy relies on Obliterate and All out attack? Too bad for him that you happen to be running 3 Slimes...
  3. Cuthawolf

    Cuthawolf Kobold

    It's funny you mention that Xien, because I'd thought about posting something similar myself. There's a challenge on the board to design attack/block cards, and it'd be fun to put one up asking for balanced monster classes.

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