Another thing: the portraits at the bottom and top should show the currently attached effects (like burning, encumbered, etc,) for each character, preferably with little countdown numbers showing how many round until the effects wear off. So we don't have to click on the tiny figures to check the attachments.
The space there is not that big to fit all 3 attachments with proper details so even if they were to be put there, you would still have to enlarge them to check anyway.
Maybe just attached little icons at a corner of each portrait. Or, right click on a portrait to bring up the attached effects. Left click to select. Right click to check attachments.
Or just display them as floating icons above the portrait. Whatever the solution is, I support it. YES PLEASE!!!
The game runs on Flash, which means you can't right click on any content. Beside, what is the point of creating little icons anyway ? Obviously you can't make it big enough to see at least the effect and the duration conveniently, and if you must click on it to see the details anyway then why not just click on the figure ?