I know that I can find out information on a particular league (before I join it) via the client, but it would be nice if I could find links to all the leagues on the CH website. At the moment, the only options on the website are for noobs...Game Info, FAQ, How to Play etc. - there is no way to view most of the info that regular players would be interested in. Please BM, could you overhaul your front page to provide links to leagues and the wealth of other info that is present (but not very visible) on your website. The CH Wiki only seems to provide links to 'Past Leagues' - no sign of Oozeball, Artifact Anarchy etc., but even that's much more in the way of links than the CH website itself.
Should have put my glasses on - I've now spotted the Oozeball and Artifact Anarchy links on the Wiki, but I feel that my original statement still applies. It seems quite odd having to go to an external website to get links to pages on the website I'm currently viewing.