The Icon's in the instruction field (little box that shows range and damage amounts etc. Only part of the instruction visible when card is thumbnail sized) on Armour cards have space for , but do not show, a number next to the Armour symbol. I was wondering if it was planned to start putting the amount of prevention provided in this space, and if it wasn't I would suggest that it would be a really nice touch. I also think there are other common things that could be put in boxes like this, like healing amounts, buff amounts, duration length etc. But I haven't really seen that many cards yet and I realise that there are a lot of cards with too much stuff happening to put Icon boxes for all of them so not all of the things that could have icons should (I mean if you had icons for duration and damage and range Fire Spray and Ember Spray would get pretty crowded, if you added healing the Misguided Heal would be very busy too) So, are things like this planned already? Are there more shorthand icons that would be useful and not too cluttery? Thoughts, feelings, emotions?
I've been looking at this in preparing notes for the wiki. So I can offer insight on the current organization. On Active instruction boxes: The left-hand icon is either movement or damage. The right-hand box is always range. On Reaction instruction boxes: The left-hand Icon is always Chance. The right-hand box is for the type of reaction: block, armor, complex, boost. On cards with a single instruction box, the smaller version always shows a single pair of icons (sometimes blank). On cards with two instruction boxes, the smaller version shows two pairs of icons. So you can see at a glance how many sets of instructions there are, and action/reaction cards even when the icons themselves are blank. One key feature is that the icon box *is* the instruction: there's no separate text for damage, range, movement, or chance unless the card has really unique features. Misguided Heal is a perfect example. Overwriting these would be confusing because information is no longer where you expect to find it. And as you already said, adding more boxes could easily become too cluttered. So I would be quite resistant to adding any new icons unless they are guaranteed to fit into the current scheme. Improvements to the set like an armor number would be fine, even welcome. I also find inconsistency in the complex and boost reaction labels. Particularly, the rollover text on the star icon states "Boosts your attack" but it is used on cards such as Dimensional Traveller that have a positive, i.e. boosting, non-attack effect. The lightning icon claims to denote a "complex" reaction but I only see it on harmful reactions. You have a tough sell to convince me that Slowed is complex but Holy Presence is not.