
Discussion in 'Adventure Discussion and Strategy' started by RavenxJE, May 1, 2016.

  1. RavenxJE

    RavenxJE Kobold

    How to obtain more pizzas? Anyone? - Raven
  2. Vlamona

    Vlamona Thaumaturge

    You pay real money for it.

    Or you make a board that gets used in the game, that gives you 300 pizzas. Or you make a Mauve Manticore level that gets used in the game, that gives you 500 pizzas.

    Or you join a guild. The guilds compete against each other in mulitplayer. The winning guilds get some pizzas which the guild leader distribute among the members.
    Kalin and timeracers like this.
  3. RavenxJE

    RavenxJE Kobold

    make a board?
  4. Vlamona

    Vlamona Thaumaturge

  5. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    timeracers likes this.
  6. RavenxJE

    RavenxJE Kobold

    thank you guys! :)

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