Pizza question

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Kleva, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. Kleva

    Kleva Kobold

    I am wondering about these pizza tokens you buy. Are we talking NY, Chicago, St. Louis, California or New Haven pizza? As any pizza person with any knowledge will tell you, New Haven pizza is the best.

    These questions need to be addressed.

    DukeMyers and Hexyz like this.
  2. Hexyz

    Hexyz Mushroom Warrior

    As long as they aren't the commercially available pizzas like; Domino's, Pizza Hut, Papa John's, etc, I'm good with it. :p
  3. Kleva

    Kleva Kobold

    Unfortunately I have reloacted to an area of the US where Pizza Butt is the best pizza locally available. I miss my brick oven east coast pizza.
    Hexyz likes this.
  4. Hexyz

    Hexyz Mushroom Warrior

    Well, here's hoping these pizza tokens available in-game taste better than Pizza Butt!
  5. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    This is more suited for the general forums but its papa manchu peperoni pizza
    Hexyz likes this.
  6. Card Hunter Joe

    Card Hunter Joe Blue Manchu

    Spoiler alert! Gary's favorite Papa Manchu pizza is pineapple and tofu.
    Hexyz likes this.
  7. Hexyz

    Hexyz Mushroom Warrior

    Papa's Blue Manchu Pizza? Hmmmm.
  8. Assussanni

    Assussanni Ogre

    Pineapple yes, but tofu on a pizza? My initial thought was "that's crazy" but now I can't stop thinking about what it might taste like...
    Hexyz likes this.
  9. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    . . . With bleu cheese? Because there's an in-game reference to him eating bleu cheese on a pizza.

    Or is bleu cheese a "sometimes" topping for Gary?
  10. Dark Wolfe

    Dark Wolfe Orc Soldier

    Melvin complains about pizza stains at one point & he also derides Gary's tastes for always eating pineapple & blue cheese pizza so it seems like his regular. If he gets tofu on there as well I may just be sick.
  11. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    I'm beginning to question the taste buds of our friend joe. I dont trust him to order me food anymore
  12. A88mph

    A88mph Mushroom Warrior

    That's why I stick to good old Peperoni.
    Kodi likes this.

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